Thursday 30/06/2021 – Charles de Winton declared an interest in item 3. Llanfrynach grass cutting contrect, leaving to room for the item.
Thursday 18/03/2021 – Charles de Winton declared an interest in item 13 Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall grant, taking no part in the decision as a trustee of the hall.
Thursday 18/03/2021 – Jackie Williams declared an interest in item 13 Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall grant, taking no part in the decision as Chair of the Hall Committee.
Thursday 23/01/2020 – Jackie Williams declared an interest in item 11 19/18160/FUL 5, Cefn Cantref, taking no part in the decision.
Thursday 19/12/2019 – Jackie Williams and Charles de Winton declared an interest in item 13 an appeal fro funding for Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall. They are both members of the Hall Trust.
Thursday 26/9/2019 – Bill Burrows declared an interest in item 13, the Hay to Brecon cycle route as he lives on the intended route.
Wednesday 22/5/2019 – Jackie Williams and Charles de Winton declared an interest in item 24 £474.48 donation for insuring Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall. They are both members of the Hall Trust.
Thursday 5/04/2018 – Anthony Hamnett and Jackie Williams declared an interest in item 19 St Illtyd and St Peter’s Church planning application. They are both members of the church.
Thursday 8/03/2018 – Ian Matthews declared an interest in item 17 Cantref Luge planning application. Mr Matthews has family connections to the applicant.
Thursday 8/03/2018 – Charles de Winton declared an interest in item 17 Cantref Luge
planning application. The applicant is a member of the organisation Mr de Winton is employed by.
Monday 27/11/2017 – Charles de Winton declared an interest in item 4 Cantref Luge application. The applicant is a member of the organisation Mr de Winton is employed by.
Thursday 1/12/2016 – Ruth Brown declared an interest in item 6c Flood Planning asking for a contribution from those affected by the flooding. As one of those potentially affected Ms Brown declared an interest, the matter was not discussed further.