My name is Vicky Critchley and I represent Home Start Cymru - Powys region.

As you may already be aware, Home Start Cymru supports families struggling a variety of concerns including post-natal depression, isolation, physical and mental health problems, bereavement and financial guidance. Traditionally, our support is provided in the family’s home, for two hours once a week. However, during the Corona Virus pandemic, we have needed to adapt our service to telephone befriending, supporting remotely. This support to families is needed now more than ever, our volunteer support is crucial in supporting families to cope, develop resilience and stay positive through perhaps the most challenging times in their life.

Our service works from referrals. A wide range of different people refer families to their local Home-Start for support. We receive referrals from health visitors, GPs, social care and childcare practitioners as well as those involved in mental health services, education, early years and probation. A family can also self-refer to us.

Visit the Home Start Cymru website for more information.