The Ordinary Meeting of Llanfrynach Community Council took place on Thursday 5th September 2024 at 7.30pm at Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall.
In attendance
Cllr. Jackie Williams (Chair), Cllr. Phil Kendrick, Cllr. Jason Palmer, Cllr. Charles de-Winton and Cllr. Roger Seymour
Also In attendance:
Keren Bender, Clerk
1. Apologies for absence Cllr. Julia Phillip and County Councillor Raiff Devlin
2. Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest
3. Approval of minutes from previous meeting.
Minutes of the meeting on the 25th July 2024 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.
4. Matters arising from the minutes.
A clean-up of the telephone exchange had taken place.
5. Public Participation - provision for members of the public to speak. There were no members of the public in attendance.
6. Correspondence Invitation from One Voice Wales to attend its Conference – Wednesday 16th October 2024.
It was unanimously agreed to book 2 places at the Conference, Cllr Seymour and the Clerk were nominated to represent the Community Council.
Action Clerk
7. Training Update
Cllr Kendrick reported he had attended the Community Engagement Module and had picked up some tips on communicating and involving the Community.
The Clerk presented an up to date Matrix of Councillor Training, a decision to be taken at the October Meeting on what further training is required to ensure the Community Council has the knowledge and expertise to manage its affairs.
8.Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall and Ty Bach update.
It was reported that the Hall had been quiet during the summer. The Trustees have agreed to a tree survey of the oak tree. The trustees have been informed that free defibrillator pads are no longer available, and they are investigating where replacement pads can be purchased. As this fact has now been brought the attention of the Community Council it was agreed the Clerk will contact Groesffordd Hall Trustees to inform them of this fact.
Action Clerk
The AGM is scheduled for the 27th September.
9. Groesffordd Village Hall update.
Cllr. Kendrick, the Community Councils representative on the Groesffordd Board of Trustees reported that no meeting had taken place since the last Community Council meeting and the next meeting of the Board is scheduled for 11th October 2024. Cllr Kendrick has forwarded the requested WIFI information to the Trustees in readiness for the October meeting.
10. Groesfford Notice Board.
A resident had reported the poor condition of the notice board next to the post box, Councillors agreed to replace the board along with the notice board at Llanhamlach, which was also in a poor condition, this was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed. The clerk presented the meeting with prices. Two new notice boards to be ordered and delivered to Cllr Seymour. Clerk to also contact Mr Rhys Powell to ask if he could site both boards. Action Clerk
11. Highways Issues
It was reported that the road sweeper had swept the roads in Groesffordd.
It was reported that the road from Llanfrynach to Cantref between lower Cantref and the Pannau Turning was in a very poor condition. Clerk to write to the Highways Department at Powys County Council. Action Clerk
12. Planning Applications:
24/23138/FUL – Construction of machinery store – land adjacent to Groesffordd Wastewater Works. There were no observations or objections to the application.
19/17247/FUL – Change of use from holiday let to mixed use, Tircue Beasthouse Cantref. There were no observations or objections to the application.
13. Biodiversity Report.
Beverly, the Ecologist for National Parks, met with the Chair and Councillor Seymour, she advised them of the benefit of retaining nettles as they encouraged butterflies and other wildlife, and it would be a better strategy to inform residents of the benefits. She also advised that funding could be accessed to install bird boxes and grow wildflowers. Following a site visit, three locations for siting birdboxes were identified: - the bus shelter at Llanhamlach, both Llanfrynach and Groesffordd Village Halls, along with planting wildflowers along the strip alongside the bus shelter in Llanhamlach . Cllr. Seymour investigated the cost of the project, and the costs were presented to the meeting. The Bird Boxes, which included solar panels and cameras totalled £720, with the wildflower seed costing £48.
The Clerk agreed to contact Barbara Anglezarke of the National Parks, to pursue the grant application, a condition of the application was that the birdboxes had to be installed by February 2025. Should the grant application prove to be unsuccessful, it was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed that the Community Council would fund the project.
Action Clerk
14. One Voice Wales Councillor Attendance Policy
The Clerk presented the policy and highlighted salient points. Councillors must send their apologies to the clerk in writing along with the reason for the absence. Councillors will then decide if the apology is accepted. Should a Councillor be absent, without an accepted apology for six months they are immediately disqualified from holding the office of Councillor, and a vacancy is created. The attendance policy was duly noted.
15. County Councillor Report.
County Councillor Raiff Devlin had sent his apologies for the meeting, however at the time of the meeting no report had been received.
Clerk to email Cllr. Devlin to ask for an update on the actions he had taken away from the July Meeting
16. Playground Equipment.
Picnic Benches
Mr Pimm of the National Park has not confirmed if the picnic benches are still available, therefore Councillors have agreed to purchase two picnic benches, one for the playground in LLanfrynach and the other for the grounds at Groesffordd Village Hall. Clerk to correspond with Groesffordd Trustees prior to ordering the picnic benches.
Action Clerk
17. Financial Issues
a. Bank Balance
The Clerk reported the bank balance as of 5th September 2024 as £20,332.60 which included the precept payment deposited on the 30th August for £4176
b. Invoices and Payments for approval
Clerks Salary for September plus HMRC were reported.
OVW – Training - £40
S. Williams- Grass Cutting - £300
All were approved for payment
Date of next meeting will take place on Thursday the 17th October 2024
at 7.30pm as