The Ordinary Meeting of Llanfrynach Community Council took place on Thursday 16th May 2024 which followed the AGM at 7.30pm at Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall.
In attendance
Cllr. Jackie Williams (Chair), Cllr. Phil Kendrick, Cllr. Jason Palmer, and Julia Phillips
Also In attendance:
and Keren Bender, Clerk
A member of the public, Mr Seymore, also attended to assess his interest in becoming a Co-opted Community Councillor.
1. Apologies for absence Cllr. Charles de Winton and County Councillor Raiff Devlin
2. Declarations of Interest None
3. Approval of minutes from previous meeting.
Minutes of the meeting on the 28th March 2024 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.
4. Matters arising from the minutes.
Cllr Williams reported County Councillor Devlin is still pursuing residents’ concerns around the brook at Groesffordd and will inform the Cllr Williams when a meeting with Highways can be arranged.
The Clerk has sent the Community Councils response to Stephen Hughes of Mott Macdonald concerning A40 Millbrook Stakeholder Engagement.
5. Public Participation - provision for members of the public to speak. Except for Mr Seymore, there were no members of the public in attendance.
6. Correspondence
OVW response concerning Annual Audit Report.
The Community Council asked OVW if it was reasonable for the Audit Office to issue a qualified audit on the grounds that it did not publish that Councillors did not receive a Councillor’s allowance. The response was it was a statutory requirement and must be reported. Councillors asked the Clerk to respond to the Audit office its grave concerns that a Qualified Audit was given on an administrative error bearing in mind that there were no financial concerns raised. Action Clerk
The 2-year grass cutting contract has been awarded to Sam Williams.
7. Residents’ concerns around building works at Ty Hir Llanfrynach
Works are very visible from the valley. The issue raised was the house appears not to follow the original footprint with two picture windows at the eastern end of the barn. The clerk was asked to bring to the Parks attention and ask Parks to check if planning is being adhered with.
8.Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall and Ty Bach update.
No issues, however, it was reported that Phil Kendrick had stood down from the Board of Trustees. Also, a meeting had taken place with Barbara Anglezarke of the National Parks to look at grant funding for Ty Bach with reference to a living roof.
9. Groesffordd Village Hall update.
It was reported Mr Burrows, treasurer of Groesffordd Board of Trustees, informed the Community Council that a local resident had inquired to have access across the hall grounds to dig a trench to get electricity to a storage shed on land he owned. It has been established that planning permission must be obtained. The architect has advised the applicant, work has now been halted.
10. Highway Issues
Cllr. Phillips reported the potholes are being filled in at Cantref
11. Cantref Residents Concerns re Open Reach
Cllr. Phillips reported this issue had been resolved.
12. Planning Applications:
There were no planning applications to consider.
13. Biodiversity Event Feedback
The funding and information session held at the National Parks Visitor Centre, had been attended by the Chair, Cllr Williams. It was reported the session was very good. As a result the Community Council will identify no mow areas, where planters could be located and as reported under item 8, a living roof at Ty Bach. It was agreed to invite Barbara Anglezarke to meet Councillors to look at the best way forward and to help fill in an application for funding.
Action All Councillors and Clerk
14. Future Meeting Dates
Clerk to prepare two options for Councillors to consider.
Option A, one meeting every six weeks.
Option B, one meeting every eight weeks.
Action Clerk
15. County Councillor Report.
County Councillor Raiff Devlin had sent his apologies and forwarded his report to all Community Councillors prior to the meeting. There were no specific issues relevant to the ward.
16. Playground Equipment.
Premium Childrens Toddler Cradle Seat and accessories have been delivered, Cllr. Kendrick has fitted the swing, with spare chains now in stock for future use. Councillor Kendrick has also fitted the matting. There is a spare roll of matting that will also go into stock. The Community Council thanked him for the work he has done at the playground.
17. Financial Issues
c. Bank Balance
The Clerk reported the bank balance as of 16th May 2024 was £19,225.18 which included the Precept of £4177.00
d. Invoices and Payments for approval
Clerks Salary for April plus HMRC were reported.
OVW – Membership Fee -£130
PAVO – Payroll Services £42,£36,and £36
Zurich Insurance -£641.39
Online Playgrounds- Cradle Swing and Accessories - £185.64
All were approved for payment
Date of next meeting will take place on Thursday the 27th June 2024
at 7.30pm as a hybrid meeting in Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall