A meeting of Llanfrynach Community Council took place on Thursday 28th March 2024 at 7.30pm at Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall.
In attendance
Cllr. Jackie Williams (Chair), Cllr. Phil Kendrick, Cllr. Jason Palmer, and Cllr. Charles de Winton,
Also In attendance:
County Councillor Raiff Devlin and Keren Bender, Clerk
1. Apologies for absence Cllr. Gary Watkins
2. Declarations of Interest None
3. Approval of minutes from previous meeting.
Minutes of the meeting on the 15th February 2024 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.
4. Matters arising from the minutes.
Action Clerk
Clerk to resend Training schedule to all Councillors.
Action Clerk
Cllr Williams awaiting a decision from Jon Pimms of National Parks concerning the three redundant picnic benches.
Awaiting a response from Cllr Watkins around the Community Council Annual Dinner to be arranged at the Three Horseshoes in Groesffordd.
As no election was called for through Powys County Council, the Community Council will start the Co-option process for Councillor Vacancies
Action Clerk
5. Public Participation - provision for members of the public to speak. There were no members of the public in attendance.
6. Correspondence
Bill Burrows- Land adjacent to Groesffordd Hall.
Mr Burrows informed the Community Council that a local resident had inquired to have access across the hall grounds to dig a trench to get electricity to a storage shed on land he owned. He was advised to get in touch with the Community Council to get permission to do so. It is understood that work has commenced on the land. The Community Council to inform Powys County Council as the Landowners.
Action Clerk
New Funding for Town and Community Council launch for Nature Recovery Funding and Information sessions on Saturday 20th April 2024, 10-2.30 at the National Parks Visitor Centre. Clerk to book a place for the Chair and Clerk.
Action Clerk
7. A40 Millbrook- Stakeholder Engagement
A consultation pack has been received from Stephen Hughes of Mott Macdonald. The pack was discussed in detail with Councillors responding to questions asked. The Chair to forward the agreed responses to the Clerk who will respond to Mott Macdonald.
Action Chair and Clerk
8. Sustainable Farmers Consultation.
Cllr Phillips had composed and forwarded an agreed consultation response on behalf of the Community Council. Councillors commented on how well written the response was. The response has been acknowledged.
9.Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall and Ty Bach update.
Normal bookings during March with nothing new to report.
10. Groesffordd Village Hall update.
The Community Council Clerk has confirmed with The Halls Treasurer that the Community Council is responsible for the insurance on the Hall.
The next meeting will be held on the 8th April, nothing new to report at this time.
11. Highway Issues
County Councillor Devlin will go back to the Highways department to pursue the Community Councils original request to investigate the pothole situation throughout the Ward.
12. Cantref Residents’ Concerns – Referencing Openreach
Awaiting a Cllr. Phillips email outlining the facts surrounding the issues with overhanging trees causing issues for Openreach services being affected.
Action Cllr. Phillips
13. Planning Applications:
24/22732/FUL- Change of use of existing holiday let to home office space, at the Held, Cantref Brecon LD3 8LT. There were no objections.
24/22793/Ful- Variation of conditions to extend the existing rear single storey extension to include a lounge and replace the roof with a ‘living green’ roof terrace, at Trawsnant Cottage, Cantref, Brecon LD3 8LN. There were no objections.
14. County Councillor Report.
County Councillor Devlin is still pursuing residents’ concerns around the brook at Groesffordd and will inform the Chair when a meeting with Highways can be arranged.
County Councillor Raiff Devlins’ report was forwarded to all Community Councillors prior to the meeting. Report attached. He went through the salient points that were relevant to the ward.
Powys County Council budget was approved by full council on the 22nd February with an increase of 6.5.%
The Recruitment of PCC senior leadership team has commenced.
Workplace recycling is changing from the 6th April.
PCC is in partnership with Castell Howell to provide school meals.
15. Playground Equipment.
Clerk to order covers for exposed nuts on the birds’ nest frame, from Caloo. Action Clerk
Clerk to order Premium Childrens Toddler Cradle Seat, Traditional Cradle Chains and two Playground Swing Shackle and Locking Nuts from Onlineplayground.co.uk. Cllr. Kendrick has agreed to fit the swing.
Action Clerk
16. Financial Issues
a. Audit Report
The Clerk reported a Qualified Audit, stating Richard Harries, Director, Audit Wales For and on behalf of the Auditor General wrote: -
In my opinion, the Annual Governance Statement is not consistent with the Council’s internal controls and governance arrangements for the year: • Assertion 3: The Council has not provided evidence that it submitted to the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRPW) a schedule of payments made to members.
Councillors asked the Clerk to respond to the Audit office its grave concerns that a Qualified Audit was given on an administrative error bearing in mind that there were no financial concerns raised.
b. Grass Cutting Contract
It was agreed to extend the Grass Cutting contract to a two-year contract. Clerk to place tender requests on notice boards and include on Community Council Website.
c. Bank Balance
The Clerk reported the bank balance as of 28th March 2024 was £15,873.02 which included reclaimed VAT received of £527.44
d. Invoices and Payments for approval
Clerks Salary for March plus HMRC were reported.
Councillor Allowances plus HMRC
OVW – Training- Invoices 7248-£38 &7598- £38
Sue Dale – Reimbursement for Website Annual Subscription £71.99
K.Bender- Postage and Stationery - £15.75
Rhys Powell – Erection of notice board- £130.00
All were approved for payment
Date of next meeting will take place on Thursday February the 16th May 2024
Proceeded by the AGM at 7.30pm as a hybrid meeting in Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall