The Ordinary  Meeting  of Llanfrynach Community Council  took place on Thursday 25th  July  2024  at 7.30pm at Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall.



In attendance                          

Cllr. Jackie Williams (Chair), Cllr. Phil Kendrick, Cllr. Jason Palmer, and Cllr. Julia Phillips

Also In attendance:

County Councillor Raiff Devlin and Keren Bender, Clerk



1.    Apologies for absence                                                                                                                     Cllr. Roger Seymour                                                                                                                           

2.    Declarations of Interest                                                                                                       There were no declarations of interest                                                                                            

3.    Approval of minutes from previous meeting.                                                           

Minutes of the meeting on the 27th June 2024 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

4.    Matters arising from the minutes.        

Barbara Anglezarke of the National Parks to meet with Councillors on the 29th June to look into a funding application concerning Nature Recovery Grants across the wards and grant funding for Ty Bach with reference to a living roof.

Clerk has written to the National Parks Enforcement Department to inquire if the planning application for Ty Hir, Llanfrynach had been adhered with in respect of the original footprint. The correspondence has been acknowledged stating when the concerns have been registered and an enforcement office allocated, they would respond further.


The Wales Audit Office concerning an appeal lodged by the Community Council to the Qualified Audit Opinion it had received for the 2022/2023 Audit, has responded with no case to answer. This matter is now closed.

Email sent to Liam Fitzpatrick in response to correspondence received from him in June.

Cllr. Kendrick reported the potholes had been filled in at Tregaer Road and that it was a job well done.   

The 2023/24 Audit had been lodged with the Wales Audit Office.


 5.  Public Participation - provision for members of the public to speak.                                   There were no members of the public in attendance.

  6. Correspondence 

Correspondence received from National Parks requesting nominations for the Brecon Local Access Forum. It was agreed to allow individual Councillors to respond if they chose to do so, the closing date had been extended to the 7th August.

Action All Councillors

7.  Training Update


The Chair reported she had attended The Council as an Employer training and felt it was a worthwhile training course. Cllr. Kendrick is booked onto the course covering Chairing Skills.

The Clerk had received information from One Voice Wales concerning an application form for a Councillor Training Bursary Scheme in Wales along with an application for free training places, it was agreed to take up the offer and the Chair signed the forms on behalf of the Community Council. Clerk to forward documents to OVW.                                                                                                                                                              Action Clerk

   8.Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall and Ty Bach update.

      A new defibrillator has been installed replacing the old one.

Ty Bach has issues concerning overhanging nettles.

Thanks to go to Cllr. De Winton, Mr Dave Powell and Brian Stephens for taking away the telephone box. 

 9. Groesffordd Village Hall update.      

Cllr. Kendrick, the Community Councils representative on the Groesffordd Board of Trustees reported the field boundary fence had been removed and not replaced. This being the boundary fence between the hall and property owned by Mr Thomas, Cllr J Williams has asked him to reinstate it. To be placed on the September meeting agenda.

 Action Clerk

The Trustees also inquired if the entire boundary fence could be replaced, the Community Council will consider the request, however at this time no funds have been allocated to this issue.

Cllr. Kendrick reported that the Trustees were not against installing WIFI and that he would first speak with Gary Watkins to establish where his investigations into installing WIFI were at prior to stepping down from the Community Council.                                                                                                                                                                     Action Cllr. Kendrick

It was also reported that 95% of hall bookings are made through Hall Master, which has proved to be very successful.


10 Highways Issues

A resident spoke with the Chair around concerns of farming contractors speeding through Groesffordd Village. Cllr. Devlin to speak with the Community Policing Team and report back.                                                                                            

Action Councillor Raiff Devlin

     11. Planning Applications:

         There were no planning applications to consider.


  14.   Community Council Website Update                                                    

 The Clerk reported that following the purchase of a SSL Certificate for £99, the website   was now up and running, and that she had started to populate the website with the missing documents, mainly Standing Orders, Financial Regulation, the Audit Notice along with Minutes and Agendas.                                           Action Clerk                             

       15.  County Councillor Report.

     County Councillor Raiff Devlin had forwarded his report to all Community Councillors                         prior to the meeting and addressed the salient points.

   There is a projected budget overspend for 2024/25 with cuts and savings £12.9M needed   to be made this year.

  Cardboard recycling banks are to be scraped across Powys.

  Growing Mid Wales (GMW) has initiated a mobile mapping project to enhance digital   infrastructure in Mid Wales.

He also presented a diagram explaining “how your council tax is spent”.




16.   Playground Equipment.                                                                          

     Clerk has written to Mr Pimm of the National Park to confirm if the picnic benches are still available, he responded he would look into the possibility. Should this prove not to be the case, Councillors agreed to purchase two picnic benches, one for the playground in LLanfrynach and the other for the grounds at Groesffordd Village Hall. Clerk to monitor the situation.                                                                                              Action Clerk


     The Chair had been approached by a number of parents from the village who wanted their thanks put on record for the excellent work Cllr. Kendrick had done to enhance the playground.  


17.  Financial Issues                                                     

     a.  Bank Balance

        The Clerk reported the bank balance as of 25th July 2024 as £17,451.39

              b.  Invoices and Payments for approval

              Clerks Salary for July and August plus HMRC were reported.

          K. Bender – SSL for Website - £99

K. Bender –Stationery - £13

Pavo – Payroll Services - £36

All were approved for payment



Date of next meeting will take place on Thursday the 5th September 2024

at 7.30pm as a hybrid meeting in Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall  
