A meeting of Llanfrynach Community Council took place on Thursday 15th February 2024 at 7.30pm at Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall.
In attendance
Cllr. Jackie Williams (Chair), Cllr. Phil Kendrick, Cllr. Jason Palmer, Cllr. Charles de Winton, Cllr. Julia Phillips and Cllr. Gary Watkins.
Also In attendance:
County Councillor Raiff Devlin (over Teams) and Keren Bender, Clerk
1. Apologies for absence All Councillors in Attendance
2. Declarations of Interest None
3. Approval of minutes from previous meeting.
Minutes of the meeting on the 4th January 2024 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.
4. Matters arising from the minutes.
Clerk to resend Training schedule to all Councillors Action Clerk
5. Public Participation - provision for members of the public to speak. There were no members of the public in attendance.
6. Correspondence
The resignation of Cllr. Hannah Jones has been received. Clerk has informed Powys County Council. Should there not be a call for an election within 10 Days of the notice being displayed the process to advertise the co-option vacancy will commence.
Action Clerk
Resignation of Llanfryna ch and Cantreff Hall Treasurer- The Community Council were informed that Bronwyn Fox had resigned with Amanda Connolly taking over the post. Noted
7. Bench
Cllr Williams had reported she had been approached by Jon Pimm of the National Parks to inquire if the Community Council would like to receive three redundant wooden picnic benches. It was agreed to accept the picnic benches and to site them at Llanfrynach, Groesffordd and Cantref. Chair to forward paper trail to Clerk and inform Mr Pimm of the Community Councils decision. Action Chair
8. Community Councillor Annual Dinner
Following a discussion around the Community Council Annual Dinner, it was agreed to contact the Three Horseshoes in Groesffordd for costs and availability.
Action Cllr. Watkins
9.Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall and Ty Bach update.
The Hall has been opened to show the Rugby Six Nation games, which has been supported by local residents.
It was reported that the Defibrillator needs new batteries and the box that houses the defib is not fit for purpose.
The phone box has yet to be moved.
An energy audit has been conducted at Ty-Bach toilets, there were no recommendation from the audit.
10. Groesffordd Village Hall update.
Cllr. Watkins as the newly appointed Board Trustee reported there was a discussion around installing broadband at the Hall and put forward a proposal to the Community Council to support the Hall to install broadband on the same terms as the deal that was offered to LLanfrynach Hall. This was unanimously agreed by all Councillors. Clerk to investigate the Llanfrynach terms and report back to the Community Council.
Following a question to the Clerk from Bill Burrows, Treasurer of the Board of Trustees, concerning the payment of insurance at the Hall it was established that the Community Council were responsible for the payment. Action Clerk
Cllr. Palmer reported a residents’ concern about a brook going through the village and fears that erosion of the pipes will take place. Cllr. Devlin to investigate and if required will organise a meeting with Powys County Council Officers, Cllr.Williams will also be in attendance.
Action Cllr. Devlin
11. Highway Issues
Cllr. Phillips reported that the Highways Department had been out filling in potholes.
12. Cantref Residents’ Concerns – Referencing Openreach
Cllr. Phillips reported there is an issue with overhanging trees from Cantref towards Brecon causing issues for Openreach as services are being affected. Residents have asked Cllr Phillips to bring their concerns to the attention of the Community Council. Cllr Phillips will email the facts to the Clerk and Cllr.De winton to forward an Openreach contact to the Clerk who will pursue.
Action Cllrs Phillips, De-winton and Clerk
13. Planning Applications:
No Planning applications had been received.
14. County Councillor Report.
County Councillor Raiff Devlin agreed to co-ordinate the pothole issues with the PCC Highways Department and reported that the Highways Department were working their way through the potholes in the ward.
Concerning the road sweeper, Cllr Devlin said a Job had been raised to visit Llanfrynach.
Cllr Devlin reported that there is signage on the right-hand and left-hand sides on both accesses to the bridge over the canal, and that Powys County Council will monitor the situation going forward.
It was reported the speed signs on the roundabout at Brynich are part of the active travel plans under consideration and that Cllr Devlin will meet with officers to discuss.
Cllr.Devlin then went through his written report and took questions. The Community Councillors expressed their appreciation on receiving a written report.
It was reported the budget would be considered by Full Council the following week.
Cllr Phillips asked if the Community Council should respond to the Sustainable Farmers Consultation, following a discussion it was agreed that the Community Council would respond. Cllr Phillips to forward a paper to all Councillors, once agreed the Clerk will complete the consultation in the name of the Community Council.
Action Cllr Phillips, all Councillors and Clerk
15. Playground Equipment.
Wicksteed Inspection, only minor issues were reported, when the weather breaks both Cllrs. Kendrick and De winton will address the issues. It was also it was advised to cover exposed nuts on the birds’ nest frame, clerk to order from Caloo. Action Clerk
Cllr Kendrick also reported the cradle swings will need replacing in the future and would investigate providers.
Extra pegs have been ordered and delivered to secure the rubber matting.
16. Financial Issues
a. Bank Balance
The Clerk reported the bank balance as of 15th of February 2024 was £17224.71
b. Budget Update – Income over Expenditure and Cashbook as at the 15th February 2024
The Clerk presented the papers which had previously been circulated and explained the breakdown of income of £13741.88 which was made up from the Precept, salary overpayment to previous Clerk and transferred election costs from the Village Hall. A Vat claim would also be made before the yearend.
Expenditure of £12192.38 was in line with budget forecasts.
c. Invoices and Payments for approval
Clerks Salary for January and February plus HMRC were reported.
Wicksteed Inspection Report- £224.40
OVW – Training- Invoices 7248-£38 &7598- £38
S.A.Jones Carpentry-Renewal of Community Bench at Groesffordd - £150
K.Bender- Amazon-Pegs-£14.95
All were approved for payment
Date of next meeting will take place on Thursday February the 28th March 2024 at 7.30pm as a hybrid meeting in Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall