A meeting of Llanfrynach Community Council took place on Thursday 7thSeptember 2023 at 7.30pm at Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall.
In attendance
Cllr. Jackie Williams (Chair), Cllr. Phil Kendrick Cllr. Julia Phillips, Cllr. Jason Palmer, Cllr. Charles de Winton and Cllr G.Gary Watkins attending over Teams.
Also In attendance: Keren Bender, Clerk
The Chair opened the meeting by welcoming all and thanking them for attendance.,
1. Apologies for absence Cllr. Hannah Jones and Cllr Jackie Charlton
2. Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest
3. Approval of minutes from previous meeting.
Minutes of the meeting on the 20th July 2023 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.
4. Matters arising from the minutes.
Clerk to investigate if funding can be sourced to purchase a wheelchair friendly picnic table. Action Clerk
It was agreed that prior to the next Wicksteed inspection of the playground in October 2023 to paint the springs on the play equipment in blue and yellow paint. Cllr Kendrick to purchase the paint and paint the springs.
Action Cllr Kendrick
In relation to grants allocated to Village Halls it was agreed to request the accounts of both halls and details of their future projects to ascertain the value of potential grants to be built into the Community Council precept request. Clerk to agenda for October Meeting, Action Clerk
5. Public Participation - provision for members of the public to speak. There were no members of the public in attendance
6. Correspondence
Request for funding from Brecon and District Dial-a-Ride.
Clerk to contact Dial-a-Ride for numbers of people using the service.
Agenda for next meeting. Action Clerk
Notification of works -A40 Scethrog to Llanhamlach Routine Maintenance- Noted
7. Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall and Ty Bach update.
It was reported that normal bookings had resumed.
Macmillan coffee morning is scheduled for 27thSeptember.
The Hall Trustees had held its AGM with Nikki Dutfield returned as Chair and Jon Pimm standing in when required.
The electricity to phone box had been disconnected. Still awaiting a response from the Loss Adjuster.
8. Groesffordd Village Hall update.
Cllr. Palmer reported the bench in the village, situated alongside the bus shelter, needs to be repaired or replaced. Along with the quote for the repair a quote for the cement base is also being sought from Mr Stewart Jones, which the Community Council agreed to fund. Action Cllr Palmer
9. Planning Applications:
No Planning applications had been received.
10. County Councillor Report.
County Councillor Charlton had forwarded her report and offered to respond to any questions arising from her report. She also offered to take any issues forward
on the Community Councils behalf to Powys County Council.
Cllr Palmer reported that the garage owners at Groesfford had been approached to pay rent. Cllr de-Winton advised that the owners need to prove they own the garages in all but name so they could claim for adverse possession. All correspondence to be obtained to pass to the County Councillor, who may be able to help resolve the situation Action Cllr Palmer
11. Playground Equipment.
The birds nest swing -The Clerk has approached Mr Mark Phillips for a quote. Cllr de-Winton to follow up.
Matting to be ordered to replace the existing matting which is in a poor condition. Action Clerk
12. Review of Financial Regulations 2019
The Clerk had circulated Model Financial Regulations 2019, accompanied by a paper explaining the Financial Regs . The purpose of the review was a timely matter and to inform the newly appointed Councillors of the legality of the Financial Regulations and the responsibilities of the Council and the RFO (Clerk).
Councillors were taken through the Financial Regulations and following questions of clarification unanimously agreed to adopt the Regulations.
The Regulations along with the date of the review will be placed on the website.
Action Clerk
13. Notice Board Llechfaen
It had been reported that the notice board in Llechfean was broken and that it was difficult to open. It was agreed to renew the notice board, following a discussion it was established that a notice board had been purchased a number of years previously and was in storage. Cllr de-Winton to follow up.
Action Cllr de-Winton
It was also discussed and agreed to replace the cork backing on the notice board for Llanhamlach Action Clerk
14. Website
The issues with the website have been resolved with minutes and documents now uploaded to the website. The clerk and Cllr Watkins will ensure the website is constantly updated.
15. Financial Issues
a. Invoices for approval & b. Payments for approval
Clerks salary and HMRC were reported.
SBW Ground Maintenance - Grass Cutting £300 Llanfrynach Park & Grass Cutting £300 Groesford Park .
All were approved for payment
c. Online Banking Update
The Clerk reported the Community Council had been successful in setting up online banking and that she was registered with delegate powers, which means the clerk can process payments but cannot authorise payments. The Councillors with authorising status have signed the relevant forms.At this moment the Clerk reported that she was able to process a payment without further authorisation and obtained agreement that until the authorisers had been added to the account that she processes the payments as long as permissions were given for her to do so and evidence of the payments are reported to full council.
Date of next meeting will take place on Thursday 19th October 2023 at 7.30pm as a hybrid meeting at Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall