A meeting of Llanfrynach Community Council  took place on Thursday 19th  October  2023 at 7.30pm at Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall. 

In attendance                            

Cllr. Jackie Williams (Chair), Cllr. Phil Kendrick, Cllr. Jason Palmer, Cllr. Hannah Jones Cllr. Charles de Winton and Cllr. Gary Watkins. 

Also In attendance:  Keren Bender, Clerk 


The Chair opened the meeting by welcoming all and thanking them for attendance.,  

1.   Apologies for absence                                                                                                    Cllr. Julia Phillips                                                                                                                                    

2.   Declarations of Interest                                                                                                             There were no declarations of interest                                                                                                                                        

3.   Approval of minutes from previous meeting.                                                      

Minutes of the meeting on the 7th September 2023 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

4.   Matters arising from the minutes.                                                                     

It was agreed that prior to the next Wicksteed inspection of the playground  to paint the springs on the play equipment in blue and yellow paint. Cllr Kendrick has purchased the paint and is in the process of painting the springs on the play equipment. He has tendered an invoice for £77.91. Clerk to reimburse Cllr. Kendrick 

The Clerk has booked the next Wicksteed Inspection and is awaiting a date. Cllr de Winton has requested an accompanied inspection, Clerk to inform Wicksteed  Clerk to resend the last inspection report to all Councillors.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Action Clerk      

Cork Backing for the llanhamlach Notice board has been purchased, awaiting fixing                                                                                                                                             

Cllr Palmer reported that the garage owners at Groesfford had been approached to pay rent. Cllr de-Winton reminded Councillors to advise residents that once they pay rent they admit they do not own their garages.

Cllr de Winton reported the replacement notice board for Llechfean which is in storage, which he will collect, it just needs a new lock. 

Action Cllr de Winton 


5.  Public Participation - provision for members of the public to speak.                                             There were no members of the public in attendance



6. Correspondence  

      Proposed Planting Scheme at Pentwyn, Stump up for Trees

All Councillors were in support with no objections, clerk to respond to Kate Bevan .  

 Action Clerk                   


7. Request for funding from Brecon and District Dial-A-Ride. 

The Clerk had contacted Brecon Dial-a-Ride for numbers of people in the Ward using the service. Dial-A - Ride reported that 13 people were signed up to the service. Following a discussion, it was proposed, seconded and agreed to donate £100, Clerk to progress payment.

                                                                                                            Action Clerk

8.Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall and Ty Bach update. 

It was reported that an issue was raised when the boiler was serviced, it was suggested that they may be a leak in oil tank , which will now be  changed, the board is in the process of obtaining quotes , this has also raised the issue of installing a firewall between the Tank and the building.                                     Bookings are very healthy for November with Brecon Little Theatre using the Hall twice a week.

Ty Bach- There are no issues at the moment. Welsh water has changed the pipe. Now in the process of creating a Q code and Just Given Page for Toilet donations.

Phone Box- an official complaint has been put in against the loss adjuster. It has also been agreed that the old phone box will be removed.

9. Groesffordd Village Hall update.                                                                                     

Cllr. Palmer reported the bench in the village had been repaired by Mr Stewart Jones, awaiting an invoice. 

WIFI discussions are ongoing. It was also agreed by the Community Council to place on the agenda  for the November Meeting to appointment a representative to sit on the Groesford Hall Board of Trustees.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Action Clerk                  

10.  Village Hall Grants

In relation to grants allocated to Village Halls it was agreed to request the accounts of both halls and details of their future projects to ascertain the value of potential grants to be built into the Community Council precept request.

                                                                                                                 Action Clerk      


 11.  Planning Applications:                                                             

           No Planning applications had been received.

12. County Councillor Report.

 Cllr Anita Cartwright has resigned her post, elections for her replacement to take place in November 2023. Should an issue arise that the County Councillor would normally take up, the Clerk will contact the relevant department at PCC.                              

  13.   Playground Equipment.                                                                    

    a.  The birds nest swing – A quote had been received from DMC Phillips to carry out work at the Birds Nest Swing, by removing old and installing new legs on steel/concrete footings for £550 plus Vat. It was unanimously agreed to accept the quote and instruct the company to carry out the work .                                                                               Action Clerk      

    b. Clerk has identified and applied to two funding streams to purchase two wheelchair friendly picnic tables, one for each playground. Need to establish the ownership of the playground in Llanfrynach.  Should the applications prove to be unsuccessful, it was proposed, seconded and agreed to purchase 2 wheelchair friendly picnic tables from the Community Council reserves. 

    Matting to be ordered to replace the existing matting which is in a poor condition.                                                                                                                                          Action Clerk      

14. Financial Issues                                                        


a.     Online Banking Update 

The Clerk had received documentation and card readers for Cllrs de-Winton, Watkins and Palmer,   giving them the authorisation to access and approve payments online, however Cllr de Winton had not been supplied with a card reader, Clerk to follow up. 

         b. Invoices and  Payments for approval 

            Clerks salary and HMRC were reported.

             PAVO- Payroll  Services Q1- £36

          Sue Dale – Reimbursement of Website fees - £408.75. Cllr Watkins to investigate with Regs123,         to ensure Sue Dale is not liable for future fees. 

             Cllr Kendrick – Paint - £77.91 

All were approved for payment


c.  Six  Monthly review of Income over Expenditure against Budget 

The clerk presented the Cashbook to date comparing it with the budget against expenditure and income. 

 The Clerk explained each budget line, and highlighted where a budget line was not on track. 

Audit £60  paid against a budget of £400, awaiting external Audit invoice. Grant donations budget of £800, only £260 claimed to date. Ground Maintenance budget £1800 , £600 invoiced to date.

Hall Grants budget of £600, no applications to date. Maintenance budget of £1100, no costs to date. Replacement /new equipment budget £1200, invoiced £1558 to date. 

Salaries  paid £3055 to date against a budget of £5881.  Training budget line £500 only £35 claimed so far, however training is planned for the next 6 months. All other budget lines on track.  

The  Chair asked Councillors to consider budget items for the Budget Setting Meeting in November.                                                                                  


Date of next meeting will take place on Thursday November 30th at 7.30pm as a hybrid meeting at Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall