A hybrid meeting of the Community Council took place on Thursday 19th January 2023 at 7.30pm in Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall and online.


Jason Palmer JP Phil Kendrick PK

Jackie Williams JW (Chairperson) Gary Watkin GW

Julia Phillips JPh Hannah Jones HJ


In attendance:

County Councillor Anita Cartwright AC, Sue Dale SD (Clerk)


The Chairperson opened the meeting by welcoming all and thanking them for attending.

Apologies for absence – CdeW

1. Declarations of Interest: None

2. Public Participation - provision for members of the public wishing to take part: None.

3. Minutes from previous meeting. Approved.

4. Matters arising from the minutes. Item 14 – rubberised matting to go on the agenda for the February meeting.

5. Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall and Ty Bach update. Tenders for the roof will be accepted until the end of the month, the businesses are all within 10-15 mile radius. Councillors suggested a wider search for example South West Maintenance. The Committee are still considering replacing the roof or alternatively repairing it to give longer to raise the money needed. There may be some grants that could be applied for.

Ty-bach – two new timber chairs for the outside of the Ty-bach are to be sought.

6. Groesffordd Village Hall update.

The last village hall meeting was 8th December. The committee is considering installing an instant hot water source.

7. Planning Applications: None

8. Powys County Council Matters

Pot holes appear to be widespread and often have been filled in the past only to re-appear some time later. One Cantref road has a “uneven surface” sign.

AC needs detailed locations, and preferably pictures, of all the pot holes to

pass on to Highways. HB and GW to assist.

AC has had a busy week with schools issues, cabinet has decided to close

Llanbedr Primary School. School transport has also been problematic. JW

will find out what's happened. Powys County Council have been setting their

budget, 3.8% for services and 1.2% for the fire service.

AC requested any documentation concerning the recent meeting in

Groesffordd about the culvert at 1 The Groesffordd. See also correspondence.

9. Cheques, budget v actuals and bank reconciliation for approval.

- 01/02/2023 Clerks wage & stationery allowance £440.20so

- Christmas donation Cantref – to be considered 23/2

- Christmas donation Groesffordd – to be considered 23/2

- Christmas donation Llanfrynach – to be considered 23/2

-19/1/23 Stuart Williams (clearing the Llechfaen well) £200.00

-19/1/23 Sdale (Internet purchase web site support) £71.99

-19/1/23 One Voice Wales Training £70.00

-Fence at Llechfaen well – to be considered 23/2

The budget v actuals for April 22 to December 22 was approved. The cheques

841 (noticeboard re-siting now out of date) and 867 (Brecon Advice Centre now

out of date and superseded) are to be cancelled.

10. To consider and set a budget.

Budget 23-24 was approved, £14402

11. To consider and set a precept.

Precept for 23-24 was approved at £12,529

12. Council decision on the recruitment of a new clerk.

Llanfrynach Community Council approved the selection of a new Clerk from the beginning of February. There is to be a 1 month handover. A laptop and printer (with a scanner incorporated) are to be purchased. GW will take over the website updating and maintenance. SD to send him instructions.

The 4 drawer cabinet and the 2 drawer cabinets that are house old records will be examined by interested councillors and prepared for new storage arrangements. GW and HB to pick up.

13. Contract of employment and job description.

JW to circulate to councillors. Holiday pay of 20 days plus bank holidays was approved as part of the Contract of Employment.

14. Record of annual internet purchases made by the Clerk for the Community Council:

Zoom £11.99/month shared with Llangynidr Community Council up to now.

HMRC support.




















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GW takes responsibility for the internet payments required to support the

website and the email account.

15. The Clerk requests some more items for the printed review of the year. Done.

16. To discuss the arrangements for a Community Council dinner.

Friday the 10th February 2023 7pm for 7.30pm, partners invited. Clerk to ask the new clerk and any partner to attend. JW offered to circulate the menu.

17. To discuss filing and the purchase of a laptop and printer for the community council. See item 12.

18. Highways issues, particularly pot holes to be specified. See item 12.

19. Correspondence

-Letter from a disappointed resident concerning culvert maintenance meeting. 28/11/22. Apology from the Clerk has been sent.

-Planning training from Planning Aid Wales 10/1/23. Details to be circulated.

-Local Access Forum by BBNPA 19/1/23. Held on the afternoon of this meeting.

20. Any Other Business (to be used to pass on information only)

Agenda item for the next meeting, review of the environmental policy

Agenda item for the next meeting, rubberised matting for the new play equipment.

Agenda item for the next meeting, Bird's nest swing.

21. Date of next meeting is Thursday 23rd February 2023.

Reports of any safeguarding issues.

22. Date of next meeting 23th February 2023



The Chairperson closed the meeting at 9.20pm, there being no further business to discuss.