A meeting of Llanfrynach Community Council took place on Thursday 18th May 2023 at 7.30pm in Groesford Village Hall. In attendance
Cllr. Jackie Williams (Chair), Cllr. Phil Kendrick, Cllr. Jason Palmer Cllr. Julia Phillips and Cllr. Gareth Watkins.
Also In attendance: Keren Bender, Clerk
The Chairperson opened the meeting by welcoming all and thanking them for attendance.
Apologies for absence – Cllr. Charles de Winton, Cllr. Hannah Jones and County Councillor Anita Cartwright
1. Declarations of Interest - None.
2. Minutes from previous meeting. Minutes of the meeting on the 6th April 2023 were approved as a true record.
3. Matters arising from the minutes. The bingo machine has been ordered and expected to be delivered week commencing the 20th May 2023 It was agreed to continue to pursue the land registry to establish the ownership of the land surrounding the Groesffordd Village Hall. Action Clerk The date of the next meeting was agreed as Friday 30th June 2023 at 4pm to ensure the Audit is signed off. A discussion ensued concerning the dates of future meetings, it was agreed to continue with the 6-weekly cycle. Cllr. Watkins agreed to prepare a forward planner of meeting dates. Action Cllr. Watkins
4. Correspondence a. Regrettably the Community Council had received the resignation from Cllr. Barbara Smith. b. Notice of a Casual Vacancy has been lodged with Electoral Services at Powys County Council.
5 Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall and Ty Bach update.
The Party in the Park for Coronation was well attended.
It was reported the Hall continues to be well utilised.
A request by a resident to purchase and site a bench had been granted.
A grant application for form for playgrounds had been forwarded to Cllr Hannah Jones at Groesffordd Village Hall.
The telephone box had been boarded up, still awaiting a decision from the insurers.
6. Groesffordd Village Hall update.
It was reported the storage container has been connected to the electricity supply.
Discussions continue around installing WIFI at the Hall
7. Planning Applications:
No Planning applications had been received.
8. County Councillor Report
County Councillor Cartwright was not in attendance. The Councillor is absent for health reasons, however, should a matter arise that needs to involve Powys County Council one of her colleagues can be contacted to assist the Community Council.
Cllr Palmer had been approached by a resident concerning the issue around the culvert at Groesford. Chair to forward previous correspondence to the Clerk, who will follow-up with highways department.
9. Playground Equipment.
a. The birds nest swing – delivery of four metal posts and four upright posts had been accepted and are being stored at Cllr de-Wintons yard.
b. Picnic Bench - Several types of benches were considered; however, it was felt that a picnic table with wheelchair access should be pursued.
Clerk to investigate and bring back to the next meeting for a final decision.
10. Councillor Allowances
The Clerk explained that all Councillors qualify for £150 allowance per annum which would be paid through the payroll and taxable. Should Councillors not wish to receive the allowance they have to inform the Clerk in writing, The Clerk passed out payroll forms requesting that Councillors either fill in the forms or inform the Clerk if they do not want to receive the payment.
Action all Councillors
11.Public Participation - provision for members of the public wishing to take part:
There were no members of the public in attendance. It was also agreed to move this item to the beginning of the agenda for future meetings.
12. Website/Photos It had been reported that the Website was not accessible, the Clerk and Cllr. Watkins to investigate.
Councillors were asked to provide their photos to Cllr. Watkins for inclusion in both the website and literature.
Action all Councillors
13. Plaques The Chair handed out the Plaques to be placed at the trees purchased
the Queens Canopy.
14. Financial Issues a. Invoices for approval and b. Payments for approval
Clerks’ salary was approved.
c. Online Banking Update
The Clerk reported the Community Council had been successful in setting up online banking and that she was registered with delegate powers, which means the clerk can process payments but cannot authorise payments. The Councillors with authorising status now need to fill in further forms to give them access to the internet banking system. Clerk to pass out the forms and once completed the forms must be posted to the Business online banking address.
Action Clerk
d. Audit
The Clerk informed Councillors she was in the process of preparing the Audit, she had spoken with the Internal Auditor who is happy to carry out the internal audit and return it in time for the June meeting. This will enable Councillors to sign off the Audit before the deadline set by the Welsh Audit Office.
Date of next meeting will take place on Friday 30th June 2023 at 4pm. as a hybrid meeting at Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall