A meeting of Llanfrynach Community Council took place on Thursday 23rd June 2022 at 7.30pm in Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall.
Charles de Winton CdeW Jason Palmer JP (left at 9.15pm)
Gary Watkins GW (from item 13) Phil Kendrick PK (from item 13)
Jackie Williams JW (Chairperson)
In attendance:
Sue Dale SD (Clerk) , County Councillor Anita Cartwright AC, 2 members of the public who were co-opted on to the council (see item 13).
The Chairperson opened the meeting by welcoming all and thanking them for attending.
1. Apologies for absence – None
2. Declarations of Interest.
3. Public Participation - provision for members of the public wishing to take part
4. Minutes from previous meeting. Approved unanimously; JW, CdeW and JP.
5. Matters arising from the minutes – Jubilee events were well attended and enjoyed.
6. Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall and Ty Bach update. The Hall applied for and was awarded a grant to improve the IT capability of the Hall. The Hall committee extended thanks to Jon Pimm for expediting.
Plastering and painting in the porch will be complete this week. There was a problem with the hall toilets; with the electricity and another with the door.
The Ty Bach is running well.
7. Groesffordd Village Hall update – The tea party on Jubilee Sunday was well attended.
8. Planning Applications – 22/0608/HH, 11 Groesffordd Park. 2 storey extension and new garage (Powys County Council). No objections.
- 22/21066/FUL, 5 Cefn Cantref . Frame and solar panels. No objections.
- 22/21070/FUL Cwm Oergam, Llanfrynach. Removal of dangerous chimney. New roof lights. No objections
- 22/21151/FUL, Peterstone Court. Extend patio and change door to bi-fold set & LBC. No objections.
9. Powys County Council Matters
The Lib Dem’s formed the new administration at Powys Council in a progressive partnership with Labour, the Leader and Cabinet are now in place and beginning on their programme for improvement. This is available to view at https://www.brlibdems.org.uk/the_progressive_partnership_for_powys
I was asked to join the Finance Panel and Economy and Residents Scrutiny Committee. Training has begun on holding the Council to account and effectively escalating residents concerns.
My key actions this month include:
Updated regarding the Rights of Way issues
Taking forward interest in an Active Travel Plan supported path into Brecon from Groessfford. See https://atnmpowys.commonplace.is/proposals/brecon/step1
Moving forward with a meeting with the National Park to discuss the White Swan among other issues. Has there been any more correspondence with the owner there?
Informing about road works
Sharing information on Digital and Nature grants
Has the blocked drain in Groesffordd been dealt with?
And further afield, dealing with long unresolved housing repairs, speeding management, street lights, planning and road maintenance.
Are there any issues that you would like me to escalate?
Getting to know more residents at the Libanus and Scethrog jubilee celebrations and wish that my family commitments hadn’t prevented me from joining more events.
Attending meetings with community groups: from supporting Ukrainian refugees to increasing community transport options and improving community facilities. Forthcoming scheduled meetings include local food production and wildlife conservation groups. Please do let me know of any future events that I could lend my support to.
The controversy at Gilestone Farm has also taken up much of my time. I am in regular contact with residents and the Green Man. Ensuring that local concerns are considered as the business plan for the site is developed. I am actively engaging with key stakeholders including Welsh Government, BBNPA and Powys Council. Gilestone Farm have shown interest in continuing the community farm and agricultural events.
County Councillor Surgeries will be held monthly and rotate around the 3 community council areas within the ward. The County Councillor is looking to book a venue in the Llanfrynach Ward probably Llanfrynach & Cantref Community Hall during a week day.
The poor road conditions running through Llanfrynach towards Cantref were raised.
My Facebook page @cllranitacartwright is active and includes local information from road closures to recruitment events. Residents can contact me via this page if they so wish or via phone and email.
10. Llechfaen well fence is deteriorating and will need replacing shortly. To be discussed and action agreed. Two Councillors volunteered to go have have a look at the well and it's boundary fence. Approved.
11. A donation of £50 each to Cantref, Llanfrynach and Llanhamlach to help defray the expenses of the Jubilee celebrations. Approved.
12. The caretakers of Llechfaen Well have asked to return to the single annual donation of £150 as they have multiple irregular expenses during the year. Approved for this year, Clerk to ask for payee details.
13. To discuss the co-option of 2 community councillors, further co-options are possible. Both candidates co-options were approved and welcomed. Another co-option will be considered at the July meeting.
14. To finalise the dates of meetings until May 2023. Dates to be circulated. AC requested that the meeting dates be sent to her also. Clerk to action.
15. The options for the damaged kiosk are either to replace the kiosk in a less risky place or to put the books in the bus stop and have no kiosk. To be discussed and action agreed. The kiosk is in a vulnerable position at the moment, the Llanfrynach & Cantref Community Hall committee has agreed in principle to siting the new kiosk on their ground. The Community Council, as owner, may have to obtain planning permission (clerk to enquire). CdeW has obtained a quote for the project of approximately £9000 including VAT, this to include a replacement kiosk, it's transport and siting, a new plinth for it to stand on, electrical work and removal of the damaged kiosk. A Loss Adjuster will be required. Clerk to circulate the detail of the costs to Council members.
16. Llechfaen noticeboard is difficult to put notices on and this stops people from using it. A resident has offered to adapt it to make it more stable, but further work may be required. PK will inspect.
17. Cheques, budget v actuals and bank reconciliation for approval. Approved.
- 01/07/2022 Clerks wage & stationery allowance £440.20so
- 23/06/2022 Cantref Jubilee contribution £50.00 (see item 11)
- 23/06/2022 Llanfrynach Jubilee contribution £50.00 (see item 11)
- 23/06/2022 Llanhamlach Jubilee contribution £50.00 (see item 11)
- 23/06/2022 Llechfaen well contribution £150.00 (see item 12)
18. Risk assessment and Asset Register to be reviewed. Approved. Noted that the reserves inflation basis may need adjustment, clerk to ask One Voice Wales.
19. Engagement, remit and appointment of the internal auditor. Approved.
20. Consider the annual governance statements. Approved.
21. Consider the report of the internal auditor. Approved.
22. Signing of the annual return 2021-22. Approved, Clerk to send it on to the External Auditor for the 30th June.
23. The insurance policy has been updated to specifically include all assets at no cost, including the kiosk, this year. The premium will go up by about £50 next year. Approved.
24. The Human Resources Committee will meet after the June meeting to complete the clerks appraisal for this year. The terms of reference for the committee have been circulated to be approved. The membership of the committee to be confirmed as JW, JP and CdW. Approved.
25. One Voice Wales membership renewal. Approved.
26. Society of Local Council Clerks membership renewal (about £80 shared with Llangynidr). Approved.
27. The National Trust mean to change the Storey Arms parking facility on the A470. To be discussed and action agreed. A joint meeting with the councils of Libanus, Talybont and Llanfrynach is to be called. All councils are equally concerned about the development. For Llanfrynach, the use of Bailea Road (an old roman road) and Cwm Goody car park are likely to increase due to the £7.50 charge proposed at Storey Arms. Clerk to provide AC with the National Trust contact details. The details of the case to be written up and circulated to the other Community Councils. This issue notwithstanding, visitors are welcomed in the area. Clerk to action.
28. Survey concerning biodiversity and climate change in communities. Deadline is 1/7/2022. One Voice Wales and Friends of the earth are working together to produce a guide for Community Councils delineating how they can help the environment. Groesffordd Village Hall could be encouraged to annually audit the environmental issues involved in heating, lighting, water usage. The playground at Llanfrynach could also be audited annually. The Llanfrynach & Cantref Village Hall Committee meets on the 30/6/2022, the details were requested by AC, Clerk to action.
29. Appointment of nominated Community Councillors to the Powys County Council Standards Community Sub-Committee. The Crickhowell candidate was chosen. Clerk to action.
30. The Governance and Finance Toolkit from SLCC and OVW has been circulated will Llanfrynach Community Council adopt it? The toolkit was considered to document much of what the Community Council does already; it was decided not to adopt it.
31. Correspondence : The County Councillor kindly sent a planning application from Powys County Council which is on the agenda now. Noted that the application notice does not come to Llanfrynach automatically, AC to look into the matter.
-Wales Audit sent a survey for clerks, now complete.
-A Rights of way officer at Powys County Council has confirmed that Llechfaen rights of way will be assisted with an access improvement grant. CdeW walked all the Llechfaen paths with the Powys officer they found many blockages and problems. The project will probably take Powys County Council 2 years to complete.
32. Any Other Business (to be used to pass on information only) Clerk to ask One Voice Wales if safeguarding is standard for Community Councillors or not. A councillor asked about the arrangements for monitoring the financial management of Groesffordd Community Hall.
33. Date of next meeting is Thursday 4thst August 2022.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.25pm, there being no further business to discuss.