A meeting of the Community Council took place on Thursday 31st March 2022 at 7.30pm by electronic media.


Ms Jackie Williams JW Mr Charles De Winton CDW(Chairperson)

Mr Ray Powell RP Mr Ian Matthews IM

Mr Jason Palmer JP


In attendance: Ms Sue Dale (Clerk) SD.


Welcome All.

Apologies: GW.

1. Declarations of Interest. None

2. Public Participation

3. Minutes of the last meetings The minutes of the meeting of 17th February 2022 were approved and signed.

4. Matters Arising Memorial for the former resident in Groesffordd – nothing further.

Memorial for the former resident of Llanfrynach – nothing further.

5. Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall & Ty Bach Yoga is booked for September, the Hall Committee still waits for the build to finalise the work.

6. Groesffordd Village Hall Management

The hall committee was awarded a grant for lockdown. Income is ahead of

expenditure at the moment. £800 has been spent on the electrics. The AGM is to be

held on the 28th April.

7. Powys County Council Matters None

8. Cheques, budget v actuals, donations and bank reconciliation for approval.

- 01/05/2022 Clerks wage & stationery allowance £432.60so

- Dragon play and Sports Ltd (playground equipment) £7521.601

- Taxi receipts for councillor attendance £30.002

9. The playground equipment was commissioned from Dragon Play and Sports Ltd because the first vendor could not commit to the timescale dictated by the grant. The amounts were of an order, the Dragon Play and Sports Ltd order being somewhat less. Approval of the payment is required.

Approved - all in hand. Fitting will be completed by volunteers. The fitting expenses are likely to be modest.

10. Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 and Independent Remuneration Panel Report. Most of the Local Government and Elections Act 2022 has come into force. The IRP has issued a report for this year. Clerk to summarise. Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021.


The following summarizes those elements affecting Community Councils, the act can be seen at www.legislation@gov.uk:


Part 3 Chapter 4 s47. A remote element to meetings is required.

Part 3 Chapter 4 s48. Public participation, made a duty of the Chair to give a reasonable opportunity for the public to make representations.

- Part 1 s2. Extends to right to vote to 16 and 17 year olds, and foreign residents residing in

this country.

- Part 1 s15. Extends the term of office from 4 to 5 years.

- Part 2 Chapter 1 24-29 and Chapter 2 30-37. The introduction ot the General Power of

Competence (GPC) The qualifications are; Clerk must be CiLCA qualified (or certain other

qualifications); 2/3 of councillors must be elected, must have 2 unqualified audit opinions and finally must have approved an “eligable” resolution. The power can be used to charge people for services such as, but in no way limited to, car parking etc.

- Part 4 s67. Training plan for Councillors and Clerk between 01/04/22 and 5/11/2022.


Independent Remuneration Panel Report 2022-23.


People who accept office as a member of a community council are entitled to receive payments as determined by the IRP. It is a duty of the Clerk to arrange for the correct payments to be made unless the councillors write to the clerk to instruct no or only certain payments should be made.


The Community Council has income or expenditure of less that £30,000 and an electoral role under 1000.


A general payment of £150 to cover expenses for each councillor has been mandated in determination 44.


Receipted cost of care, outlined in determination 43, must be paid to councillors for the care of dependent children and adults (provided by informal or formal carers) and for personal assistance needs :

Formal (registered with Care Inspectorate Wales).

Informal (unregistered) care costs up to Living Wage Foundation.


Other payments are optional and require a decision by council to pay; such as travel expenses for attending approved duties, senior payment, overnight subsistence, financial loss compensation, attendance allowance, Civic Head payment and Civic Deputy Head payment.


11. The Chairman to facilitate a meeting between the planning Authority and the Owner of the White Swan. To be discussed and action agreed. Approved. IM proposed and RP seconded.

12. The Green Lane Association has written to the Community Council. They

seek to distance themselves from illegal off-roading. The letter has been

circulated. Noted.

13. The NALC pay scales for Clerks has been issued, a pay rise of £0.19 is

recommended. To be discussed and action agreed. Approved. The pay

rise was warded from 1/4/21 so back pay of £91.20 was approved.

14. The audit opinion has been received for 2019-20. An unqualified opinion

was given. This is the best audit outcome for the Community Council.

15. The draft Annual Report has been circulated. To be discussed and action

agreed. The Environment Policy needs to be added to the report, that

Aside, the report was approved. JW proposed and RP seconded.

16. Tenders have been invited for the community grass cutting contract. Two quotes were submitted over £1000 separated them and the lower quote was approved. Proposed by IM and seconded by RP.

17. A councillor reports complaints about rabbits in Groesffordd and

Groesffordd Park. It is up to the residents concerned to deal with pests.

18. Two litter bins were requested for Llanfrynach (by the public toilets and

by the telephone kiosk) from Powys County Council. Careful observation led

a councillor to conclude that the amount of rubbish in the village does not warrant

new bins. That said the Community Council has approached Powys County Council

and has been put on a list for new bins, although there are many other

communities already waiting.

19. A councillor has asked to claim taxi expenses to attend meetings, this is

optional and requires approval from the Community Council. Approved, see

also item 8.

20. The Community Councils facebook page has not been updated for some time, is there a councillor who feels they can take over the long term administration or should the page be taken down? The page should be taken down, approved.

21. Correspondence – Jubilee Tree email. Oak is prefered for Llanhamlach, a

small fruit tree for Groesffordd, silver birch for Llanfrynach and a small fruit tree in

Cantref. CDW and JP to confirm details. Plaques to commemorate the jubilee to be sourced.

- Appeal from Kids Cancer Charity. This charity is welcome to re-apply for

January when the charities awards are made but the Community Council favours

local charities.

22. Any Other Business (to be used to pass on information only)

-A vote of thanks, for all those who have served through difficult times, was given.

For some councillors this meeting will be their last as councillors, particular thanks

to them for their service over the years.

- Pot holes in Cantref are very bad, CDW to provide grid references.


Date of next meeting is Thursday 12th May 2022. At Groesffordd Village Hall.


There being no further business the Chairperson closed the meeting at 8.35pm.