A hybrid meeting of the Community Council took place on Thursday 22nd December 2022 at 7.30pm in Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall and online.
Jason Palmer JP
Jackie Williams JW (Chairperson) Charles de Winton CdeW
Hannah Jones HJ Barbara Smith BS
Gary Watkins GW
In attendance:
PCSO Ryan Kenny RK, Sue Dale SD (Clerk)
The Chairperson opened the meeting by welcoming all and thanking them for attending.
1. Apologies for absence – PK, JPh
2. Declarations of Interest. None
3. Public Participation - provision for members of the public wishing to take part. PCSO Kenny gave a report on recent police activity in the area. He warned of criminals scouting down lanes to look for property they can take and sell, he suggested residents use the 101 number to report problems.
Dates for cyber crime awareness meeting will be circulated when available in the New Year.
4. Minutes from previous meeting. The change in page 2 of the minutes of the 4th August (ie PK to Cdew) could not be made as CdeW was not present at the meeting. The PK initial was changed to “it was noted”.
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
New timbers for playground equipment need to be sourced.
6. Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall and Ty Bach update. More of the popular “Mucky Duck” sessions have been held. PK will advise on the hall roof work. Wi-fi is down to £29+VAT/month with Sky. GW will let Groesffordd Hall know.
The ty bach is now closed due to the heating.
7. Groesffordd Village Hall update.
No up to date news.
8. Planning Applications – None.
9. Powys County Council Matters – Our County Councillor is in our thoughts Clerk to send Christmas and New Year greetings.
10. Cheques, budget information and bank reconciliation for approval.
- 01/01/2023 Clerks wage & stationery allowance £440.20so
- 22/12/2022 Plaques for the jubilee trees (Sdale - internet)£414.00
- 22/12/2022 Trees for the Jubilee (Sdale – internet) £124.50
11. Delegation to conduct employment interviews in January 2023, council decision on the 19th January 2023. It was decided to hold any interviews on Wednesday 11th January in Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall. Clerk is to ask for a CV and check the candidate's availability for interview on the 11th. The delegation is confirmed as JW, BS and PK with CdeW as back up. They will make a recommendation to council.
12. Arrangements for a public meeting about Groesffordd Parking. This includes Groesffordd Park. Residents are now struggling for parking. A public meeting will be held in the Spring, tea and coffee will be provided.
It is intended that a residents' survey will be carried out before the public meeting. Parking and the bus service will be part of the survey.
13. Grants policy to be approved. The grants policy will cover Llanfrynach, Llanhamlach, Cantref, Groesffordd, Nant ddu and Llechfaen. A budget will be set aside for grants and local causes will be encouraged to apply. If not claimed other causes may benefit. Approved.
14. Estimates for rubberised matting for the playground in Llanfrynach.
Clerk instructed to ask the Wicksteed Inspector about mats to go around the
new apparatus. The cost of these mats is about £25/square meter.
15. Review of the year Newsletter arrangements: Councillors will gather items and photographs for the review and pass them on to the clerk.
16. Scammers seminar January/February 2023. Awaiting a response from the cyber crime Police.
17. Telephone Kiosk replacement and re-siting. Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall, the owners of the kiosk, are dealing with the matter.
18. A councillor has suggested a play park project for Groesffordd Park. This to include the grassed area around Groesffordd Hall. A public meeting was suggested, to be amalgamated with the parking action (see item 12).
19. Update on the blocked culvert at The Groesffordd. JW met with Cllr Ratcliffe and 2 officers from PCC. It may be that a different department of PCC is responsible. A response is expected from the officers. The Clerk apologised for not inviting the householder and his representative to the on-site meeting.
20. Councillors have observed and been told that the Bus Services for Groesffordd and Llanfrynach do not serve their communities well enough. To be discussed and action agreed. It was reported to the meeting that the bus service to Groesffordd was no longer feasible because of a lack of a turning circle. Furthermore the “Lock stop” for the current service is not easily recognisable, and is quite a walk. Dial-a-ride may offer a solutio and a survey to gather the opinions of residents was approved (see item 12).
21. Any Other Business (to be used to pass on information only)
It was suggested that a timer be considered for used to time meetings.
There will be a community council dinner on Friday 20th after the meeting on the 19th January 2023. Councillors and Clerks attending will self-fund.
Councillors were asked if any safeguarding issues have arisen since the last meeting. A resident with health issues came into contact with a Councillor. There were no problems.
22. Date of next meeting 19th January 2023 at which the precept will be set.
The Chairperson closed the meeting at 9.30pm, there being no further business to discuss.