A hybrid meeting of the Community Council took place on Thursday 17th November 2022 at 7.30pm in Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall and online.


Jason Palmer JP Phil Kendrick PK

Jackie Williams JW (Chairperson) Charles de Winton CdeW

Julia Phillips JPh Hannah Jones HJ


In attendance:

Sue Dale SD (Clerk)


The Chairperson opened the meeting by welcoming all and thanking them for attending.

1. Apologies for absence – BS, GW

2. Declarations of Interest. None

3. Public Participation - provision for members of the public wishing to take part. None.

4. Minutes from previous meeting. Approved with 1 amendment, “CdeW” for “PK” on page 2.

5. Matters arising from the minutes.

Drainage in Cantref, 4 culverts blocked PCC to be notified, but the problem is further upstream. SD

6. Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall and Ty Bach update. The “Mucky Duck” sessions are great, the last one was a race night and raised £432. There has been a quote submitted for a new roof £97000 plus labour. This includes 100% re-slating because of the poor state of the existing roof covering. The quote includes integrated PV Solar panels on the back of the hall and tiles on the front and sides.

Ty bach was blocked but fixed by Welsh Water.

7. Groesffordd Village Hall update. Bills letter summarise.

Bookings are back up to pre-covid levels. The hall is urged to re-consider it's stance on wi-fi as an unnecessary expense; it can be so useful. A technical solution was proposed but trustees are wary.

The electric meters have been rationalised reducing the standing charges by £250/year and a reduction in charges of about £3000. Insulation has been improved. The container work is progressing. Two new trustees have been found. Clerk to re-circulate email to HB.

8. Planning Applications

22/21470/FUL, St Brynach's House. Clerk to inform BBNPA that Councillors experienced difficulty in viewing the application on the on-line service, thought to be attributable to a new registration requirement. No objections.

22/21524/LBC, Ty Mawr. No objections.

9. Powys County Council Matters – Our County Councillor is in our thoughts.

- Survey on parking in Groesffordd where parking is limited and people often park on the grass or in the turning circle. A public meeting is be considered at the next meeting. SD to help HB with the survey.

10. Cheques, budget v actuals and bank reconciliation for approval.

- 01/12/2022 Clerks wage & stationery allowance £440.20so

- 01/01/2023 Clerks wage & stationery allowance £440.20so

- 06/10/2022 Grass cutting £300.00

- 06/10/2022 Grass cutting £200.00

- 06/10/2022 Flowers for mourning the queen £90.00

- 06/10/2022 Building materials for playgound £170.69

- 17/11/2022 Powys County Council (Election costs) £700.69

- 17/11/2022 Replacement for misnamed cheque £53.00

- 17/11/2022 Wicksteed inspection fee £234.00

The budget v actuals showed that there is capacity in the budget for an end of year review newsletter of the communities. Clerk to co-ordinate. The charge for an accompanied inspection of the playground has gone up to £45. Fee to be compared to RoSPA next year. Cheques approved.

11. Llanfrynach resident concerns regarding the condition of the oak tree at Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall. The hall trustees have written to the resident detailing their protective measures.

12. There was a vote of thanks to JW for organising and delivering the mourning flowers for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II funeral. The flowers were very much appreciated in the communities and the Community Council was grateful for JWs action. Approved.

13. Consideration of Llechfaen well work quote. The quote was for £200 and considered to be very good value. Approved.

14. To request a police seminar on scammers to enable residents to protect themselves. It would be good to be able to offer residents this opportunity. Clerk to ask PCSO. It could be combined with a coffee morning either on the 1st Wednesday (in Groesffordd) or the 3rd Wednesday (in Llanfrynach) in the month and would be a chance for residents to get together as well. Approved, Clerk to arrange.

15. Correspondence:

- Cost of living Hub from Powys County Council. Useful source for contacts and resources for people living in Powys.

- One Voice Wales Training information, interested Councillors please contact the Clerk

- Boundary Commission report on the parliamentary boundaries in Wales. The nature of the constituency will change with the inclusion of Cwm-Tawe.

16. Telephone Kiosk replacement and re-siting. In principle the new kiosk will be placed on Hall grounds, but the insurance will not pay for betterment so the costs of any adaptations required will have to be found from elsewhere.

17. To replace the Clerk. The Community Council are aiming for interviews being complete on 10/1/23. A job advert was discussed and will be circulated by the Clerk to the Councillors and facebook pages.

18. To discuss supporting the children's Christmas parties. A more community orientated approach was favoured. Where the communities could apply for funding which would be subject to the community council's grants policy next calender year. Seek to use social media to advertise the grants. Clerk to circulate a grants policy.

19. To receive and discuss the Wicksteed report and outcomes. Whilst no immediate action is required some maintenance is needed. The old free-standing slide was considered unnecessary compared with other equipment in the playground. It may be that grants will become available for applications in the new year. RP and IM are to be thanked for their determination in completing the work for the new playground equipment. Clerk to thank IM and RP and source rubberised matting to be put on the agenda.

20. The culvert at 1 The Groesffordd, an update. JW is to meet with Powys County Council representatives on site next week.

21. Items for consideration in the budget 2023-24. Bring donations back to the ward. Newsletter.

22. Any Other Business (to be used to pass on information only)

Councillors were asked if any safeguarding issues have arisen since the last meeting. None

The trees to be planted celebrating the Queen's platinum Jubilee have been ordered as have the plaques to go with them. Groesffordd tree placement (6 digit co-ordinates) is needed.

23. Date of next meeting 22th December 2022

(meeting at which the precept will be finalised - 19/1/2023)


The Chairperson closed the meeting at 9.50pm, there being no further business to discuss.