A meeting of the Community Council took place on Thursday 17th February 2022 at 7.30pm by electronic media.
Ms Jackie Williams JW Mr Charles De Winton CdeW(Chairperson)
Mr Ray Powell RP
Mr Jason Palmer JP
In attendance: Ms Sue Dale (Clerk) SD, Internal Auditor PK, PCSO Alex Daniels and PCSO Emma Jackson.
Welcome All.
Apologies: IM, GW.
1. Declarations of Interest. None
2. Public Participation PCSOs Alex Daniels and PCSO Emma Jacson were welcomed and thanked for attending. They reported on calls to the Police in the last 3 months: Llanfrynach had no calls but a single incidence of suspicious activity. Llanhamlach has been quiet, aside from the theft of a car. The police can assess properties for their potential to be targetted for crime and advise the residents how to avoid common issues. The Chairperson suggested that the information could go in the next newsletter/letter (which may be after Easter). Groesffordd has had a phone scam and 2 incidents of suspicious activity.
Also there have been incidents of “dodgy” emails, which if you look carefully, you will find that they are not quite what they seem to be.
30-40 ewes have been taken locally.
Any concerns about dog breeding should go to Powys County Councils Housing Officer.
3. Minutes of the last meetings The minutes of the meeting of 6th January 2022 were approved and signed.
4. Matters Arising None
5. Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall & Ty Bach The hall is now painted – apart from the porch. The Hall Management Committee are completing the electricity work, which involves 2 circuit breakers and a certificate. The toilets are finished.
6. Groesffordd Village Hall Management
The storage container is approved (see item 18) as it is well within the permitted
development rights.
Solar lights and decoration for the memorial bus stop have been approved with some
conditions (see item 11).
7. Planning Application: None
8. Powys County Council Matters Electoral services have informed the clerk that candidates for the community council in May's election will have to complete an online form if they do not request a paper form, via the clerk, now.
9. Cheques, budget v actuals, donations and bank reconciliation for approval.
- 01/03/2022 Clerks wage & stationery allowance £432.60so
- 01/04/2022 Clerks wage & stationery allowance £432.60so
- Website/Email domain admin (via Sue Dale) £100.661
- Christmas party reimbursement (Llanfrynach) £25.00
- Christmas party reimbursement (Cantref) £53.00
- Website and domain admin (via Sue Dale) £71.99
- Welsh Air Ambulance £100.00
- Brecon Advice Centre £100.00
- Brecon dial-a-ride £100.00
- Brecon Mountain Rescue Team £100.00
10. Powys County Council has granted £6468 to Llanfrynach Community Council for a piece of playground equipment. Finance, selection, supply and fitting to be finalised. The grant must be spent by 31/3/22.
All in hand, the Wicksteed equipment was approved. It will be fitted by local people with a Wicksteed representative present.
11. A much loved member of Groesffordd community has passed. The community would like to decorate the bus stop as a memorial. To be discussed and action agreed. The Community Council approved the plan but asked that all decorations are kept inside the bus stop and no damage to the structure is caused and that only solar lights are used. Clerk to continue investigations.
12. The daughter of a recently deceased resident has requested help with siting a small commemorative plaque somewhere in Llanfrynach village. To be discussed and action agreed. It was suggested that planters by the Village hall might be appropriate, or perhaps to make a contribution towards a new bench near the public toilets, or finally a plaque inside the bus shelter. But these are outside the remit of the Community Council and for negotiation with the Village Hall.
13. A vacancy has arisen for a community councillor in Cantref. To be discussed and action agreed. Election of Community Councillors to be advertised nearer to May 22.
14. Celebrations for the Queens Jubilee. Including the sourcing, locations of tree planting and plaques, LCC to seek grant support from Powys County Council). To be discussed and action agreed. 4 Trees are to be ordered, 6 digit reference numbers for each tree are required from each community – Llanfrynach, Cantref, Groesffordd and Llanhamlach. Other plans are being made to celebrate the Queens Jubilee as well.
15. The financial reserves document is offered to the council for approval. Approved.
16. The new grass cutting contract is ready to be advertised in the “B&R” at a cost of £82.08. The sum was consider to great to justify. Clerk to circulate the invitation to tender to other contractors, the website and some noticeboards.
17. The governance document of the Groesffordd Hall Management Committee has been updated. Approved.
18. Groesffordd Hall Management Committee wish to improve the storage facilities at the hall. They intend to site a container in the grounds of the hall. They have sought advice from Brecon Beacons National Park (BBNPA) which indicates that the Community Council have permitted development rights, this needs to be formally confirmed by BBNPA. To be discussed and action agreed. BBPNA have not provided a formal opinion. However they advise that the Community Council, as leaseholder of Groesffordd Village Hall, can make use of its permitted development rights to approve the project. Approved.
19. Home Energy Audits are being offered by Powys Action on the Climate Emergency (PACE) with a charity called Lightfoot Enterprises. They will train local volunteers to do the audits. They will cost between £30 to £50 to the homeowner. They are looking for at least 3 volunteers in each area. To be discussed and action agreed. Some local people might be interested in volunteering. Clerk to send the email to JW and CdeW.
20. Correspondence
– Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations has asked council to describe the skills knowledge and abilities they need in people who volunteer for them. 31/1/2022. To circulate the original email (31/1/2022).
- Zurich have responded to a request for detail on the liability of hall trustees. Where the hall is insured by the community council the hall trustees are liable and should furnish themselves with appropriate insurance. This applies to the trustees of Groesffordd Hall.
- Thank yous for the donations have been received from Wales Air Ambulance, Brecon Mountain Rescue Team and Brecon and District Dial-a-ride.
- Appeal for grant support from Wales Air Ambulance Charity Not approved
21. Any Other Business (to be used to pass on information only)
Two litter bins were requested for Llanfrynach from Powys County Council 29th November 2021. They were intended for the areas by the telephone box and by the public toilets. Clerk to chase up the action and put on the agenda for next meeting.
Date of next meeting is Thursday 31st March 2022. At Llanfrynach & Cantref Community Hall.
There being no further business the Chairperson closed the meeting at 9.10pm.