An extraordinary meeting of the Community Council took place on Monday 30th June 2021 at 7.30pm in Groesffordd Village Hall.


Mr Charles de Winton CdeW Jason Palmer JP

Kate Coton Wright KCW Mr Ray Powell RP

Ms Jackie Williams JW


In attendance:

Ms Sue Dale SD (Clerk)


The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming the Councillors and thanking them for attending. JW will be Chairman for the next meeting on the 22nd July 2021.

1 Apologies for absence.

Mr Ian Matthews IM and Mr Gary Watkins GW the Community Council sends GW best wishes for a speedy recovery.

2 Declarations of Interest.

CdeW declared a prejudicial interest in item 3.


3 To confirm the grass cutting contract between Mr Steve Morris and Llanfrynach Community Council.

Mr Morris has two contracts with Llanfrynach Community Council, one in Groesffordd and one in Llanfrynach. JW chaired the item while CdeW left the room as the second contract was under discussion. CdeW has recently declined the contract for the playground grass cutting. Councillors requested further details from the Clerk who was unable to comply, therefore the item to be continued at the next meeting.

4 To approve the application to the Big Lottery Fund for the playground re-furbishment at Llanfrynach.

All the paperwork is ready to go. The community is committed to providing some £6,000 of labour as part match funding. The Clerk is to keep a book for hours spent, including the Agent's time. So far this amounts to consultations with the public, 5 * 1 hour meetings, a meeting in August 2019, 3* meetings with wicksteed.

The Clerk is to send a formal letter of thanks, after the application has gone in, to the agent who has given his time and expertise freely to this task. Thanks are also due to RP, IM and CdeW.

5 To discuss the vermin problem at Groesffordd reported recently by the County Councillor.

This problem is not within the remit of the Community Council.

6 Update on the survey results and the interest generated.

Superb response from the village, of the 104 houses surveyed, 68 (65%) responded. 97% reported that the village would be a better place with a functioning pub. Everyone (including the owner of “The White Swan” ) now knows how the residents feel about the subject. There were a lot of comments too. KCW was thanked for her work on the survey.

7 To resolve to close the meeting to the press and public in accordance with standing order 1.b. And the public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960, as the remaining item is likely to be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted of for other special reasons stated in the resolution and arising from the nature of that business or of the proceedings.


8 To discuss the 3 complaints reported to the Community Council.

No apology will be issued.

The County Councillor has chosen not to attend meetings.

A response to the complaints was discussed and approved for delivery, by email and signed for 1st class recorded delivery. Proposed : JW. Seconded: KC-W. All in favour.

The Chairman noted that a duty of care to the Clerk is appropriate.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.04pm, there being no further business to discuss.

9 Date of next meeting 22nd July 2021.