A meeting of the Community Council took place on Thursday 22nd July 2021 at 7.30pm at Groesffordd Village Hall.


Ms Jackie Williams JW (Chairperson)

Kate Coton Wright KCW

Mr Ian Matthews


In attendance: Ms Sue Dale (Clerk) SD.

Welcome All.

Apologies: JP, RP, CdeW, GW, AP and TP

1. Declarations of Interest. None

2. Public Participation None

3. Minutes of the last meeting The May minutes were approved and will be signed by the Chairman, CdeW, when circumstances allow.

4. Matters Arising None

5. Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall & Ty Bach A contractor has been selected. The contractor is very busy and the materials supply unclear as yet.

There will be a fun village sports afternoon with bring your own teas and social distancing. The hall will be open for booking but users will have to assess the risks.

Ty bach is open (one toilet only) and is busy.


6. Groesffordd Village Hall Management The hall is open, having booked some coffee mornings. The hall committee is now ready to look at quotes for the planned extension. They are happy with the grass cutting by the new contractor.

The grass verge on the A40 is too long, but will be cut by Powys County Council soon.

No further reports of rats in Groesffordd Park.

7. Planning 21/20162/FUL, Ty Mawr. An extension of dining area. It was felt to cause no wider issues and no objections were raised.

8. Powys County Council (PCC) Matters. The 30 mile an hour sign by Ty Fry needs re-siting. Clerk to inform Powys County Council SD.

9. Insurance cover will be renewed with Zurich Municipal at £530.11. Approved.

10. Cheques, budget v actuals and bank reconciliation for approval.

- 01/07/2021 Clerks wage & stationery allowance £432.60so

- 01/08/2021 Clerks wage & stationery allowance £432.60so

- 01/09/2021 Clerks wage & stationery allowance £432.60so

- 01/10/2021 Clerks wage & stationery allowance £432.60so

- 20/04/2021 Insurance, Zurich Municipal £530.111

22/07/2021 Reimbursement for Lechfaen Well materials £15.00

Approved. SD

11. Confirmation of an electronic decision to award the Groesffordd grass cutting and hedge maintenance contract to Mr S Morris the only tender. The total value of the contract is £1080 inc. VAT. Approved, see also item 12.

12. Llanfrynach grass cutting contract. Total value of the contract £550 including VAT. The original and only contractor decided to give up the contract, the Groesffordd contractor had availability and could start mid-season. Subject to council's confirmation. Next year the two grass cutting contracts are to be combined into a single contract, advertised in a local newspaper, aswell as the noticeboards and website to reach a wider audience. Approved.

13. Item concerning herbicide spraying via the County Councillor. Item adjourned.

14. To consider reducing the total number of meetings in a year. To be discussed and action agreed. Item adjourned.

15. To consider a submission to the Ombudsman about the County Councillor. Item adjourned.

16. To consider a response to the County Councillor's complaint, about the Clerk dated 1/7/21. Council rejects the complaint and will await the Ombudsman's decision. Clerk to action.

17. To consider an accompanied annual inspection from Wicksteed (£86.00 plus VAT). Approved.

18. Correspondence- Email about herbicide spraying (item 13).

19. Any Other Business (to be used to pass on information only).


20. Date of the next meeting is Thursday 14th October 2021 7.30pm at Groesffordd Village Hall.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50pm