May 2019 to May 2020
Minutes of the Human Resources Committee Thursday November 12th 2020 Via Electronic Media
Present: Mr Ian Matthews(Chairman)
Mrs Jackie Williams JW
Mr Ray Powell RP
In attendance: Sue Dale (Clerk) SD.
Apologies for absence: None
Declarations of interest in the items below: None
Consideration of the Clerk's job performance:
The aim of the appraisal is to:
- Assess past performance and pay level
Improve future performance if appropriate
Assess training and development needs if appropriate
The appraisal compared performance with job description. The overall rating was 29 of 30. No areas of performance were highlighted for improvement in the coming year.
4. Consideration of the Clerk's pay:
The Clerk's pay was assessed at £417.60 + £15 stationery allowance (=£432.60)
per month. This is in line with the National Association of Local Councils' published
pay scales.
5. Any other human resources business.
The clerk's job description should be updated to include a short paragraph on
maintenance of good working relationships within and beyond the Community Council.
5. Date of next meeting : To be decided