A meeting of the Community Council took place on Thursday 28th May 2020 at 7.30pm via electronic media

Ms Jackie Williams JW Mr Ray Powell RP
Mrs Barbara Smith BS
Mr Charles de Winton CdeW (incoming Vice Chairman and meeting Chairman)
In attendance:
Ms Sue Dale (Clerk)

2.Welcome All.
Thanks to all for coming and welcome.
Mr Ian Matthews IM
4.Declarations of Interest
5.Public Participation
6.Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the meeting on the 12th March were approved and will be signed when circumstances allow.
7.Matters Arising
8.Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall & Ty Bach
Ty bach has been closed since the start of lockdown. The hall is opened for “cheer for heros”. The hall committee has checked and the charities commission are happy that the AGM has not been held yet. The tree at the end of the hall plot will be attended to in the Autumn. The Welsh Government may be removing business rates a fact which may be of use to the Hall Committee.
9.Groesffordd Village Hall Management -
10.Newsletter update-setting a date for the next edition.
It is too early to set a date for the next edition but when known residents could be invited to relate their stories and experiences of lockdown. The stories should come from people representing the whole of the ward.
11.Powys County Council Matters
The County Council have been tied up with emergency actions, we have had no response concerning flooding. Pot holes have been temporarily filled at Llanfrynach and Cantref. The County Council's grass cutting at Llanfrynach has been better and should be monitored. The emergency appears to be subsiding. There has been an incidence of Covid-19 in Llanfrynach village, and the family has recovered. The County Councillor called a meeting to discuss incidence of the virus in the village and other matters. Notices about the hazardous nature of dog waste were distributed.
12.Choosing an Annual Playground inspection organisation.
Wicksteed was chosen. Clerk to request an appointment. SD
13.Website updating a choice of three options to base the invitations to tender on.
The Clerk is to procure, on a consultancy basis, the tender document based on the new website option. SD
14.Last year the August meeting was not scheduled at the request of councillors.
Councillors are asked to consider whether the August meeting should go ahead . The missing August meeting – which would have taken place on the 20th August 20 may take place if required. SD
15. Cheques and financial statement for approval.
The cheques and payments were approved.
- Clerk's wage & allowance 01/05/2020 standing order £421.40
- Clerk's wage & allowance 01/06/2020 standing order £421.40
- Mr P Kendrick (Internal Audit) £90.00
- Zurich Municipal (Insurance) £532.65
16. Appointment, remit of and report of the Internal Auditor.
Mr Phil Kendrick is to be thanked for his commitment and diligence by the Community Council.
17. Consideration of the Annual Governance statements.
18.Signing of the Annual Return.
Approved but not signed yet due to emergency guidelines. Clerk to action. SD
19. Disposal of the planning papers returned from Archives at Llandrindod Wells.
CdeW volunteered to dispose of the papers sensitively.
20.Update, if available, for the Police CCTV initiative.
Clerk instructed to adjourn the item.
21.Planning Application 20/18618/FUL – New storage sheds at Ty Fry.
No objections from those present, it was discussed in IM's absence.
Email from Wales Audit about the 19-20 audit. Noted
Email appeal from Brecon Advice Centre. £100 to be sent and reviewed in January 2021.
Email Appeal from Tarian Cymru (Workers of Wales). No thank you.
Email Report from Independent Remuneration Panel about care allowances. Noted
23.Any Other Business (to be used to pass on information only).
An item for the agenda of the next meeting was discussed; Llanfrynach Flood Group has been busy (CdeW is the link between the Flood Group and the Community Council). It seems that NRW have reorganised themselves and the Community Council need to write to NRW to have the Menasgin looked at from a flood perspective ie to alleviate potential problems. Some clarity is needed to establish the extent of any flooding by the river from recent storm events.
24.Date of next meeting is Thursday 9th July 2020 by electronic media or other arrangements.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.30pm