A meeting of the Community Council took place on Thursday 12th March 2020 at 7.30pm in Groesffordd Village Hall

Ms Jackie Williams JW Mr Ray Powell RP
Mrs Barbara Smith BS (Chairman) Mr Jason Palmer JP
Mr Bill Burrows BB Mr Charles de Winton CdeW
In attendance:
County Councillor Liam Fitzpatrick LF Ms Sue Dale (Clerk) SD
Mr Phil Kendrick (Internal Auditor)PKRuth Brown
Mr Mervyn Bramley (Agent) Stephen Williams

2.Welcome All.
Thanks to all for coming and welcome.
Mr Steve Prothero SP, Mr Ian Matthews IM
4.Declarations of Interest
5.Public Participation
See items 19 and item 10, the “White Swan”
6.Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the meeting on the 23rd January were approved and signed.
7.Matters Arising
The survey of the Hall has been completed and subsequent actions taken.
8.Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall & Ty Bach
Part funding of the new sofits etc was approved.
9.Groesffordd Village Hall Management
Groesffordd Village Hall has achieved good utilization rates this year with an excess of £5000 earnings. The current account stands at £3877 and the savings account at £15034.
10.Powys County Council Matters – including flooding
The corona virus is likely to be worse for elderly and vulnerable people. The Government have announced that we are in the delay phase of the pandemic, we need to look out for each other. Flooding – the Community Council may wish to consider the provision of sandbags for the community. As far as liability for flooding is concerned, Natural Resources Wales (NRW) should take responsibility. Llanhamlach Walk Way is being built! Started asking for it in 2015. The road crossing at Mill Farm, and resurfacing in Llanfrynach and Groesffordd. Other issues that have been raised but not progressed are dog bins, garages and signage.
The County Councillor also raised the possibility of holding a public meeting about the floods.
11.Planning Applications
19/18160/FUL 5 Cantref, a new shed and change of use. No objections
20/18259/FUL Cantref Adventure Farm, retrospective planning for 4 developments. The developments have all been completed for years – everybody else has to apply for planning permission. “In future deny any retrospective planning applications in fairness to all residents”.
19/18153/FUL Cynrig Hatchery, Cantref, a new roof. Withdrawn.
“White Swan” 18/16018/FUL , development of the “White Swan” in Llanfrynach. See item 19.
Temporary closure of footpath 5 at lower neuadd reservoir. No issues arose.
12.Dates of the 2020-21 meetings, for approval.
The missing August meeting will be discussed at the next meeting. Clerk to put it on the agenda. SD
13.Grass cutting contract for Groesffordd has been offered for tender, one to be selected.
Only one tender was made for £1090, this tender was accepted. SD
14.Grass cutting contract for Llanfrynach has been offered for tender, one to be selected.
Only one tender was submitted for £550, this tender was accepted. SD
15.Wales Auditor has issued a consultation on the way Community Councils are audited.
Councillors may respond individually or collectively. Council wished the Clerk to respond emphasising the need for more help at the start of the external audit process. SD
16.Web Content Accessability Guidelines (WCAG)
2.1 are coming into force 23rd September 2020, SLCC has arranged for a special deal with web designers Aubergine, which costs £700 (plus a further £600/annum). An approximate £1500 was suggested by another web designer for a new compliant website. D6design offer a compliant website for £479+VAT/annum. Alternatively council could assess the website and try to adapt it to the new stipulations. Council wishes to consider the issue further at the next meeting. Clerk to contact View Web Design. SD
17.Ratification of new equipment decisions, non quorate decisions are not listed.
Black “XLdisplay” noticeboard for Cantref, brown recycled plastic “schoolequipment” noticeboard, 2 black recycled plastic benches one for Llanfrynach playground and one for Cantref, one cork board for the bus stop in Llanfrynach. Quotes for the installation of the new equipment for approval. The choices were ratified. A quote was approved for £2796.00.
18.One Voice Wales Membership (£98) and representation for approval.
Approved, BS as contact point.
19. Cheques and financial statement for approval
The budget and bank reconciliation were approved. A virement was detailed
- Clerk's wage & allowance 02/03/2020 standing order £421.40
- Clerk's wage & allowance 01/04/2020 standing order £421.40
- Ty Bach £287.50(see item 7)
- Cork board for Llanfrynach Bus Stop (via S Dale) £70.14
- One Voice Wales membership £98.00 (see item 17)
- Welsh Audit Office – external audit £302.75
- Llanfrynach grass cutting, Mr C de Winton £550.00
- Groesffordd Village Hall – for approval only £1,500.00
20.A vote of thanks for Dr Mervyn Bramley for his service as agent.
As he is coming to the end of his tenure are the flood group willing to take on the role of agent of the Council? Are 2 Llanfrynach councillors willing to represent the Community Council in the flood management of the Menasgin. Dr Mervyn Bramley has been agent for 5 years representing Llanfrynach Community Council in the formal consent from Natural Resources Wales. Mervyn has done a “cracking job” - a sincere vote of thanks from the Community Council. It is thanks to his hard work, expertise and good judgement that there is a chance of getting the pub back! The Community Council is grateful for all his hard work and the assistance he has provided about the pub and in many other matters.
It is a matter of concern that maintenance of the Nant Menasgin is kept up. It is recommended that the Flood Management Team, including Ruth Brown and Stephen Williams representing the Llanfrynach Community Flood Group, will liaise with Natural Resources Wales (NRW) in setting up a new partnership (or Flood Risk Activity Plan). Also clarifying the liability of each role; the agent, the NRW, the landowner and the Community Council. The Clerk is to consult One Voice Wales as to the legal position. CdeW and other Llanfrynach Councillors will represent the Council in this matter and in the “White Swan” application, recognising that CdeW cannot make the 21st April obligation. Council instructed the Clerk to check the statutory position of the Council. Mervyn will continue to provide technical advice if needed to support community interests in either the Planning Inspectorate appeal or setting up new arrangements with NRW. MB, CdeW, IM, RP and SD.
21. A councillor has news of a Police CCTV initiative.
In fact this is a private initiative to help the Police – Community Councillors are approaching private residents who own houses in strategic positions along the highway. Community Councils would then purchase a special ANPR camera to monitor the traffic. This process to be facilitated by Brecon Town Council with the idea to report crime to the police in a timely fashion. The costs per annum are reckoned to be about £60 for electricity and the cost of the camera £1500. CdeW will go to the meetings. The idea was applauded but the Clerk is to ask One Voice Wales for a clarification of the liabilites involved. SD
- IRP report 20-21. Circulated, councillors chose to refuse the allowances.
- Wicksteed Inspection Report 2019. A new bin is required for the playground. A new bench is on order.
23.Any Other Business (to be used to pass on information only).
BB announced his impending resignation. He will stay on as trustee of the Groesffordd Village Hall. He was thanked for his service, councillors stated that they had enjoyed working with him.
There may be small business rates relief due for holiday lets and B&Bs.
Litter picking as part of a Keep Wales Tidy initiative was endorsed.
Thank you from the Brecon and District DisABLEd Club for the donation.
24.Date of next meeting is Thursday 23rd April 2020 in Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30pm