A meeting of the Community Council took place on Thursday 7th November 2019 at 7.30pm in Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall

Ms Jackie Williams JWMr Ray Powell RP
Mr Bill Burrows BBMrs Barbara Smith BS (Chairman)
Mr Steve Prothero SP
Mr Ian Matthews IM
In attendance:
Ms Sue Dale (Clerk) SD

1.Welcome All.
Thanks to all for coming and welcome.
JL and CdeW apologised.
3.Declarations of Interest
4.Public Participation
5.Minutes of the last meeting.
The minutes of 26th September 2019 were approved and signed.
6.Matters Arising.
Clerk's to set a date to pick up the planning archives from Powys Archives.
7.Updates on the “White Swan” planning application and consideration of the council's insurance policy in the light of the Flood Consequence Assessment.
This may affect the hall more than the Community Council.
8.Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall & Ty Bach review.
Unfortunately the Ty Bach was broken into, although the Police apprehended the alledged culprits. The Hall is running fine, there is some issue with cancellations.
9.Very large tree by the Llanfrynach and Cantref Community hall may need the attentions of a tree surgeon.
Not a community council issue.
10.A resident has asked that the Community Council considers paying for a new larger noticeboard to go inside the bus shelter in Llanfrynach for the use of residents and the Community Council.
The Community Council resolved to monitor the use of the bus shelter noticeboard and report next meeting (19/12/2019) IM & RP
11.Groesffordd Village Hall Management.
-Bank balances are about £8500 (current) and about £9000 (savings). The 2 elections in the year have meant an election “bonus” for the hall.
-Two heaters failed and have been replaced.
-The talk about otters on the 17th October was very successful with about 40 people turning up.
-The end of year accounts have been prepared and are nearly ready to be used to apply for funds to complete the planned extension.
1.Powys County Council matters.
Groesffordd Garages issue, BB to contact the Highways Representative SD to follow up. BB, SD.
3.The future of the playing fields in Llanfrynach may need securing.
To be discussed and action agreed. Not a problem.
4.A resident has complained that a culvert on the back road to Llangorse was blocked during the recent bad weather, also in Cantref, between the noticeboard and the post box.
To be discussed and action agreed. Llangorse has been attended to. Powys County Council is responding to the flooding of two Llanhamlach homes.
5.Cheques and financial statement for approval
-Clerk's wage 01/11/2019 standing order £406.40
-Clerk's wage 01/12/2019 standing order £406.40
1.Budgeting Guidelines for 2020-21 see financial statement.
Consideration of a bench, to be cited (with Permission) in Cantref by the Noticeboard and possibly fascia boards for the Ty Bach.
Clerk to look into the feasibility of making donations to Churches. SD
2.The external audit has been returned.
The report to be approved and published. A qualified opinion was awarded because a contract was deemed not compliant with financial regulations and standing orders. The level of general reserves was also noted as high and should be considered.
The report was approved and can now be published.SD
3.Clerk requests an allowance for printing and other costs (such as stamps, key cutting, petrol etc) to be paid monthly.
To be discussed and action agreed. Approved, Clerk was instructed to keep receipts. SD
4.The Community Councillor vacancy at Llanhamlach to be discussed, if anyone has come forward.
A candidate has come forward and will attend the next meeting (19th December 2019). Clerk to make contact, sending the candidate all the standing documents, latest minutes etc. SD
5.Water pressure in Cantref to be discussed and action agreed.
A councillor has kept a diary. Adjourn to next meeting. SD
-Zurich Insurance has written to say that the Flood Consequence Assessment (FCA) would not be considered for this year, but perhaps next 27/9/2019. Clerk to forward FCA to Hall Treasurer. SD
-Request for financial assistance from Powys Citizens Advice Bureau 27/9/19. To be put forward for consideration at the budget meeting. SD
-Independent Remuneration Panel Report, Draft 24/1/19
-Jane Dodds MP acceptance of invitation to come to the Community Council meeting 3/10/19. Cancelled due to the general election.
-Email from Powys County Council, interest in collaborative working for paths and rights of way 31/10/2019. No interest at present. SD
1.Any Other Business (to be used to pass on information only)
-Circulate Groesffordd woodland plan
-Farmers Diversification Consultation, CdeW and IM attended, planning rules are to be eased to allow more farms to diversify.
-The Newsletter willl be ready for printing soon.
-Next meeting put an item for the Groesffordd Hall extension on the agenda.
-There is to be Bingo held at Groesffordd Hall on 28/11/2019
1.Date of Next Meeting: Thursday, 19th December 2019 at 7.30pm in Groesffordd Village Hall.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.55pm.