A meeting of the Community Council took place on Thursday 28th February 2019 at 6.30pm in Groesffordd Village Hall
Ms Jackie Williams JWMr Charles de Winton CdeW
Mr Steve Prothero SPMr Tony Hamnett AH (Chairman)
Mr Ray Powell RPMs Julie Lowe JL
In attendance:
PCSO Emma Jackson EJ, Ms Sue Dale (Clerk) SD
AH was elected Chairman for the meeting as CdeW arrived late.
1.Welcome All.
AH particularly welcomed JL at her first meeting as a Cantref Community Councilllor.
County Councillor Liam Fitzpatrick LF, Mrs Barbara Smith BS and Mr Bill Burrows BB.
3.Declarations of Interest
4.Public Participation
EJ talked about dog fouling in the general Llanfrynach area where it is a visable problem. Subsequent infection of stock is causing financial loss and concern amongst the farming community. There are plans for an article on the subject to be published in the next newsletter. JW will liase with EJ. EJ and JW
Other issues are fly tipping, there has been an incident on a Powys County Council path which they cleared up very quickly. Also cyber/telephone crime-EJ will provide an article about the subject for the next newsletter. EJ
EJ also reported that only 1 volunteer has been accepted on to the Speedwatch programme, 3 are needed.
5.Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of 17th January 2019 were approved with this amendment - Only 1 disabled parking space is to be removed from Groesffordd (item 11).
6.Matters Arising
7.Powys County Council matters.
8.Planning Applications
19/17121/FUL lectern style marker on the shore of Cantref Reservoir. The Community Council supports the initiative.
9.Consideration and approval of the reserves analysis.
10.Consideration and approval of the Risk analysis and management document.
There were two amendments; bank reconciliations to be checked against the bank statement by the Chairman; and paper records to be kept “as appropriate” not indefinitely.
11.The internal auditor has agreed to complete the audit for 2018-19.
12.Cheques and financial statement for approval.
- Clerk wage 1/3/2019 standing order£364.80
- External audit 2017-2018 £204.25
13.Terms of reference for a Utility Committee
14.Terms of Reference for a Human Resource s Committee.
-Wales Audit Office Reports indicate that standing orders and committee delegation will feature in the external audit this year. Noted, SD to email to JL.
Santander Shareholder's statement and interest cheque of £8.31.
-Independant Remuneration Panel Report. Noted.
-GP out of hours survey. Circulated.
16.Appeal for funding Wales Air Ambulance.
17.Appeal for funding Lechfaen Well.
Further funding at this stage was denied. SD
18.Appeal for funding Eisteddfod Urdd.
There is no direct benefit to the community, appeal denied. SD
19.One Voice Membersip for 2019-20, £94.00.
20.Any Other Business (to be used to pass on informatio n only)
21.Date of Next Meeting: Thursday, 11th April 2019 at 7.30pm in Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting.