A meeting of the Community Council took place on Wednesday 22nd May 2019 at 7.30pm in Groesffordd Village Hall

Ms Jackie Williams JWMr Charles de Winton CdeW
Mr Bill Burrows BBMrs Barbara Smith BS (Chairman)
Mr Ray Powell RP
Mr Ian Mathews IM
In attendance:
Ms Sue Dale (Clerk) SD

1.Welcome All.
Julie Lowe JL, Mr Steve Prothero SP.
3.Declarations of Interest.
JW and CdeW declared an interest in item 24.
4.Public Participation
5.Minutes of the last meeting.
The minutes of 11th April 2019 were signed.
6.Matters Arising.
The query to Powys County Council (PCC) raising problems with drainage on Cantref roads has not yet been answered. (see item 18 also)
7.Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall & Ty Bach review.
The hall AGM is to be held on the 6th of June. Ty bach is running well as usual.
8.Groesffordd Village Hall Management.
The Show seems unlikely to be taking place this year, due to lack of support from the community. There is a Trustees' meeting coming up. No change in the hall finances.
9.Newsletter update.
Next edition will be published by the end of September.
Anti-dog fouling signs have been made using spare copies of the newsletter article on the problem. These are being distributed. JW
More material for the newsletter in general is needed. Clerk to check if advertisements are permitted in Community Council Newsletters. Clerk to ask the PCSO if we could have an article on 10 “dos and don'ts” of looking after property. For example keep 2 sets of keys to your working vehicles, some insurers may not pay out on a claim where only one set of keys can be produced. SD, EJ
10.Grass cutting contracts.
The invitation to tender was advertised in Llanfrynach and on the website. Only one tender was forthcoming for the grass cutting in Llanfrynach, this was approved at £550.
The contract for Groesffordd is confirmed and continues from last year on the same terms.
11.Llanfrynach Village Design Statement.
There was a public consultation two weeks ago, it was not very well attended. The results will be sent back to Brecon Beacons National Park Authority (BBNPA). The design statement process is coming to a close. There were some wonderful pictures gathered as part the consultation, some of these may be used to decorate Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall.
12.Powys County Council matters.
The “no parking” signs in Groesffordd have not been removed yet. Residents with garages have received a second invoice, but the issue is still in dispute.Clerk to send a reminder to PCC about the pot holes around Llanfrynach, particularly the one by the hall. SD
Clerk to email the PCSO for an update on the burglaries and a picture of herself for the website. EJ, SD
See also item 9. If residents see anything suspicious, please contact the Police on 111.
14.The Clerk has been asked to locate documents about the Llanfrynach Playing Fields.
They are not in the Community Council archives. Councillors suggested asking Powys Archives at Llandrindod and the Land Registry. SD
15.The “White Swan” is still closed, are flooding issues the problem?
Clerk to write a letter to BBNPA about the application urging the PAROW committee to review the officer's report in the light of the Flood Consequence Assessment. A similar letter is to go to the Chairman of Natural Resources Wales. Clerk to liaise with the Flood Management Group in Llanfrynach.
16.Choosing an annual playground inspection organisation. Wicksteed were chosen after some debate.
Clerk to ask for an appointment for first thing in the morning. SD
17.Monmouthshire Building Society Grant application confirmation.
Approved. SD
18.Any responses to the Cantref Road problems in April?
The Clerk has asked for an update from PCC but there has been no response to that request either.
19.Cheque signing.
- Clerk's wage 1/5/2019 standing order £364.80
- Mr SA Jones, bus shelter refurbishment £270.00
- J Williams for Freestyle printing £122.00
- Llanfrynach & Cantref Community Hall £474.481
20.Appointment, remit of and report from the internal auditor.
Approved, no additional comments. Finding an internal auditor can be difficult. The name of one resident was suggested, Clerk to ask if he would be willing to act in this capacity. SD
21.Consideration of the Annual Governance Statements.
All responses approved. SD
22.Signing of the Annual Return.
Signed by the Chairman and Clerk.
23.Planning Application 19/17373/FUL 4 Victoria Close, replacement of a conservatory with a two-storey extension.
No comment.
24.Consideration of the request from Llanfrynach and Cantref Village Hall for the reimbursement of their insurance costs £474.48.
CdeW and JW declared an interest and took no further part in the discussion. The donation was approved, with the condition that further requests should be accompanied by a financial statement. SD
-Email dated 15/4 about the level of odour from a farm in Llanhamlach. Local weather conditions (an area of high pressure in February) led to a build-up of the odour but this is very unusual occurring one or two days a year. No other complaints were made.
-Guidance on Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales determinations, dated 16/4. Noted.
1.Any Other Business (to be used to pass on information only)
Clerk to inform Council of their comments made to BBNPA about the “White Swan” planning application. To go on the agenda for July. SD
2.Date of Next Meeting: Thursday, 4th July 2019 at 7.30pm in Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall.
1See also item 24.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.20pm.