A meeting of the Community Council took place on Thursday 11th April 2019 at 7.30pm in Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall
Ms Jackie Williams JWMr Charles de Winton CdeW (Chairman)
Mr Bill Burrows BBMrs Barbara Smith BS
Mr Ray Powell RPJulie Lowe JL
Mr Ian Mathews IM
In attendance:
Ms Sue Dale (Clerk) SD
1.Welcome All.
County Councillor Liam Fitzpatrick LF, PCSO Emma Jackson EJ, Mr Tony Hamnett AH, Mr Steve Prothero SP.
3.Declarations of Interest
4.Public Participation
5.Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of 28th February 2019 were signed.
6.Matters Arising
7.Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall & Ty Bach review.
There is to be an Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall Annual General Meeting in June. Plans for the building work are progressing. It was noted that the Ty Bach is self-financing.
8.Groesffordd Village Hall Management.
Building Regulations have been approved, two invitations to tender await response. Earnings last year were £4259, and expenses were £4895 – a loss covered by their reserves.
9.Powys County Council matters.
Earth works behind the Church at Cantref, have been brought to the attention of Councillors. Councillors will investigate. Pot holes have been noted by the Old Ford Inn, Waunberllan and by the “top road” (B4558). Parking issues in Groesffordd are ongoing.
10.Planning Application
19/17274/FUL The Lodge - single story extension. No comments.
11.Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales, review of the electoral arrangements for the county of Powys, March 2019.
No implications for Llanfrynach. Noted.
12.Review of Easter Newsletter.
The edition nears completion.
13.Update on Llanfrynach Village Design Statement.
The Planning Officer has met with the Chairman. The workshop is to be on Thursday 9th May in Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall. The Design Statement Group is to supply tea and biscuits but the National Parks officers will run the engagement. Residents who want to participate could photograph the parts of the village that stand out to them. These photographs will then be displayed at the workshop for residents to see. Photographs can also be put onto the gmail account llanfrynach.design.guide@gmail.com and therefore be included in the workshop.
14.Cheques and financial statement for approval.
- Clerk wage 1/4/2019 standing order£364.80
- Clerk wage 1/5/2019 standing order £364.80
- External audit 2017-2018 £582.00
- One Voice Wales, training event £435.00
15.Financial regulations have been published and need to be considered and adopted.
16.Insurance review and selection.
Adjourned for additional enquiries into the insurance of unincorporated groups. SD
17.Update on the Data Protection activities.
The Clerk was instructed to offer Powys Archives the 2010-18 planning applications (about 60) prior to disposal. SD
18.Brecknock Wildlife Trust have provided advice concerning frogs and toads on the roads. To be discussed and action agreed.
Clerk to put up a notice requesting help with gently helping frogs and toads into the pond area as advised by the Brecknock Wildlife Trust. SD
19.Drainage problems in Cantref have been noted for discussion and action.
A member of the community has complained of surface flooding on some roads. Also verges have been worn away leading to deep ruts at the side of the road. Clerk to write to Powys County Council Highways and the County Councillor about the problems. Longitudes and latitudes will be provided by a Community Councillor. SD, BS
20.Meeting dates for the coming year
were reviewed and will put on the noticeboards. SD
-Thank you from Dial-a-ride for the donation 14/3/2019
-Thank you from Brecon Advice Centre for the donation 21/3/2019
-Thank you from Wales Air Ambulance
-Red Flag Day for the Merchant Navy is the 3rd September
-Grant Thornton external audit documents
-Blue badge applications contact bluebadges@powys.gov.uk or phone 01597827466.
1.Any Other Business (to be used to pass on information only)
2.Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday, 22nd May 2019 at 7.30pm in Groesffordd Village Hall, due to the European Elections.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting.